Clark can always find people to sacrifice something great for him to succeed. In this past hour alone both Chloe and the Martian Man were willing to give it all away.
In ominous news Clark made the promise to let go of the things in this world that kept him from his destiny all along, meaning Lana and even his mother. There maybe hope for this season yet. Along with the unveiling of Lex's office by the newcomer in the villain department, Tess Mercer (Cassidy Freeman)--who seems to have an affinity to Lex.
Hopes do come true (this coming from a pessimistic blogger)!!! If Smallville knows how to execute one thing perfectly creating astounding premieres.
Only disappointment no topless Tom but at least he was wet! And Aquaman was a sure fine stand in :)
So I have to say I was so surprised by the reunion scene between Jimmy and Chloe once she escaped! For a second I thought Jimmy was Bizarro, only because he was super angsty and trying to take back his proposal. But then once I realized the deep seated fear he was experiencing as a result of his "jumping the gun" but once he got calmed down he could see the true feelings him and Chloe share!
And the geek that I am I have to mention this, something that I love enough to let it go--whenever the characters make a reference to a classic Superman legend the powers that be see fit to play a remastered version of the Superman theme song. I, Good Grief, give this the "hokey" stamp.
Something I didn't hope for but that pleased me is the change in Lois' hair color, so much better! I have to say this it seems that the Daily Planet will hire anyone...
Dude, the Daily Planet really does hire anybody. Especially since Clark is not the sharpest tool in the shed, if you know what I mean. :)
And yes! Surprisingly, I enjoyed this episode of Smallville, mainly for all the reasons you mentioned. I also noticed the Superman theme song and thought that was so cool! It seems like they're almost there with completing the Superman mythos, which is pretty exciting.
Still not sure I'm going to be watching full time, but let's just say I'm intrigued. Now, if I was promised an all Justice League season, I would for sure be watching. Oh, Green Arrow. *swoon*
I totally heart Oliver Queen. The blond hair, heroic ambitions and the lovely sculpted arms, yummy part ii.
Seriously, good grief, tell me ahead of time if an episode is going to feature green arrow, because I will definitely be watching! Yum!
He is in the title run, now and I have interviews discussing him being a bigger part of the story this season, so plan accordingly mind grapes if you know what's good for you :)
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