Sunday, July 15, 2012

Breaking Bad Season 4; Haiku Impressions

Hi, there! It's been a while. Contrary to appearances (and to echo those immortal words from one of my favorite parts of Monty Python and the Holy Grail) "[We] are not dead yet." Though our online commentary has slowed, our television-watching never will. And, oh, the television we have watched this summer! Game of Thrones, Mad Men, reruns of Game of Thrones and Mad Men, and more recently for me, Breaking Bad.

Thanks to methods I will not mention, I've recently been catching up on Season 4 of my favorite hour of children's programming, Breaking Bad, a show where the majority of episodes are brought to you by the letters A and B. "A" as in "anti-hero," "all the sads," and,  of course, "Aaron Paul's Emmy reel." "B" as in "blue meth," "blowing up shiz," and, of course, "Bryan Cranston's Emmy reel."

Originally, the plan was to post haikus after every season 4 episode I watched, but that didn't quite pan out, seeing as most episodes left me shocked, fascinated, mouth agape, flailing, and generally unable to form coherent thought for 17 syllables.  So, instead of 13 haikus, there are about...4?

This first one is called:

My Stream of Thought During Pretty Much Every episode:

[Walt,] How could you do that?!
Oh, no, that guy's gonna die.
[Walt,] How could you do that?!

Next is a tribute to ABQ's most feared fried chicken purveyor/meth distributor, the not-so-dearly departed Gustavo Fring:

Gus Fring: Chilean BAMF (Inspired by Ep. 10, "Salud") 

South of the border,
The Chicken Man gets pay back 
--sangre por sangre

Here's another one, also inspired by "Salud." Though most of the episode is about Gus showing Don Eladio who's really in control of the cartel, Walt finds out from his son how his own need to be in control has hurt his family instead of helping it. 'Twas an excellent interaction for both characters.
The haiku is simply called:

From the Mouths of Babes a.k.a. He Does More than Eat Breakfast

Junior finally 
gets out of the kitchen and
serves up some hard truth

And lastly, I leave you with my attempt at a season-wide haiku recap:

Bloodshed, Suspicion,
Innocence Lost: the side effects
of Breaking Bad

Hope you enjoyed these. If you have any Breaking Bad haikus nestled in your mind grapes, feel free to share them here :)

Breaking Bad Season 5 premieres tonight at 10/9c on AMC!!!