Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The seven stages of Good Grief!

~Not so good :(

First, apologies for the incoherency of that last entry. It's just upset me so much! I definitely feel grief over this series finale and do to some prompting from my fellow bloggers--I thought that it might help to put it all out there; so here are some things that I may have said within the last 10 hours or so...

I can't nor accept that this is the end!!! I most certainly was surprised by that revelation! There is no way or is there...

It cannot end like that! This is not the end for Kyle and his gang of misfits! It's not really happening. This can't be the end

Gah! If this is the end, ABC Family is full of it! I just want to punch something. Or talk to an executive so that they can realize what a mistake their making! I mean it's just unbelievable they had the time to answer our questions and they just didn't!! What's wrong with them!!!!

Maybe it can be put on another network, or maybe they can make a movie. I don''t know but they have to do something!!!!

no guilt felt, cause I consistently watched and praised it..but maybe I should have participated in the blog on abcfamily....oh I hate them! *sorry some angered leaked in*

I can't believe that's the end. I just want to roll into a ball a weep. Just let me lie here...I don't think I can get pass this
There may have been some tears welling up in my eyes, only minutes after Kyle passed from the TV landscape

Acceptance and Hope
....this may never come

As you can see I shift a lot between Anger and Depression--I may never get beyond these two stages....


Lea said...

I'm pretty sure you're mostly stuck at the "anger" phase goodgrief, heh. And that's ok! Let it out! Be angry! But also don't give up hope! There is a possibility for it to come back in some shape or form, right? I bet they'll bring it back to tie up all the loose ends. :)

MightyMaxine said...

I hope so....

I don't know but for some reason my emotions are focused and stuck on anger :(

zozizzle said...

Oh, good grief, I'm sorry about the fate of Kyle XY. You have a right to be angry if they're ending the show abruptly with only that episode. But, I'm sure they wouldn't let it end without providing a sense of resolution. I'm crossing my fingers for you :)

MightyMaxine said...

looks as if you're crossed fingers helped Z! But I really hope they still continue the show in some facet, either in the form of another season on another network or a MOVIE! I'd love to see a movie :)