Saturday, March 14, 2009

Battlestar Galactica 4.21 "Daybreak, Part 1"

*I've just now realized that I've been numbering the episodes wrong this whole time. Fixed now.

Because I seem to not be able to do anything except bullet points, that's what you're getting again:
  • I really really liked this episode. I'm not really sure why either. It's still very much a set-up episode, but it was a good one. I think I may like it because it hasn't been quite as depressing as the last few episodes have been. While sad things happened in this episode, I'm finally able to see some hope in the distance...
  • I thought the flashbacks were really interesting. At this point I'm still trying to figure out what purpose they served though. Originally I thought they were put there to show how much everyone's lives sucked before they got on Galactica, and that they were finally able to be happy and connect with people on Galactica (much like what Roslin's speech to Adama last episode was about), but now I'm starting to think they were there to show just how far these characters have come. To show how much they've grown and how much they've gained. That, or it's going to turn into a "this has all happened before and it will all happen again" kind of thing.
  • Obligatory scene which made mindgrapes cry: When Laura walked onto the flight deck, choosing to join Bill, and the rest of her family, in their suicide mission. Barely able to stand, but not about to be left behind. Just beautiful and heartbreaking.
  • Gaius Baltar. He continues to be, in my opinion, the most fascinating character on this show. Lee calling him out about never doing a completely unselfish act really got to him, and you could just see it on his face as he decided not to join the mission. I think Gaius is going to play a really big role in the rest of the finale and I cannot wait to see what happens with him.
  • Once again, some of the scenes that had the most emotional effect on me were all the ones with Helo. I hate seeing him like this, barely being able to keep it together, but what I hate even more is hearing Athena say that things are not going to be ok. They are! They are, Athena, shut up! :(
  • I'm really wondering where this finale is leading us. I know the last mission can't only be to rescue Hera and kill the "bad" cylons, but I have no idea where the show is headed. Are they ever going to find a home? Right now, I'm thinking Hera's notes are somehow going to end up being a map, maybe? I'm assuming they had something to do with Anders giving them the coordinates of the Colony. I have no idea, and all the preview showed was things blowing up!
Hm, I was a little more thinky in my review today compared to my normal rambling reviews. I think I'm being a little more somber because I just can't believe this was the first part of the series finale. It doesn't seem real at this point. Next week is going to be a very, very emotional time for me.

Quick Dollhouse thoughts: Next week's ep really better be the turning point for this show, because I'm finding my attention slowly waning. Also, does anyone else think that the actress who plays Sierra should be the lead of this show? She's just...a better actress, and far less annoying. When you actively root for Kevin McKidd's brother on Journeyman to kill Echo, you know you have a problem.

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