Friday, March 20, 2009

Battlestar Galactica 4.22 "Daybreak, Part 2"

Wow. Wow. Amazing. Absolutely frakking amazing. So amazing I don't even know where to start. I haven't read any reviews yet because I don't care how other people felt about this finale, I thought it was absolutely perfect. I feel totally satisfied. I'm heartbroken because of the fact that the show is over, but otherwise totally satisfied in every way.

First of all, KARA THRACE, WTF?! WHAT?! She was an angel all along???? She wasn't really "there"? Does this mean she was the same as the head characters or was she different? Clearly she was different because everyone could see her, but was she also sent from God? I think this will probably be the biggest question most people have because it was by far the biggest "WTF?!" moment of the episode. I liked it though. How sad was it when she dissapeared in front of Lee?

I pretty much cried throughout the whole episode. Anytime some music cue happened or someone gave eachother a meaningful look, I got emotional. But the part that I cried the most at? The moment Roslin died. I was sobbing. Full on sobbing all the way through the commercial break. What an absolutely beautiful, heartbreaking scene. Just...god, I can't even talk about it right now. ;_;

Gaius was amazing this episode, you guys. AMAZING! I love Gauis, and to see him get redeemed was just....gosh, it was just awesome. He saved the day! And him and Caprica Six got together! That may have made me happy more than anything!

Thank the frakking gods Helo lived! Oh dear sweet lord did I about have a heart attack when I thought he was dead! I'm so so so happy that him and Athena and Hera all got to live happily ever after! So happy I'm crying again just thinking about it!

The technical aspects of this episode were amazing! The way it was shot and edited and the music! Wow. Just SO good. The special effects during the space battle at the colony were fantastic and I gasped aloud about 20 times. The most effecting part of the episode for me however was the opera house sequence. The way everything was cut together, with each character realizing they were taking part in their vision. And the music swelling in the background as it cut back and forth between the vision and reality all culminating to Gaius and Six seeing the 5 standing in the CIC. Amazing. I'm getting goosebumps again.

I don't know what else to say. There's so much more that needs to be said but that I can't put down right now. All these thoughts are swirling around in my head! I know I'll have more to say about it later, so I'll probably end up doing another post eventually. But right now, all I have to say is...Wow! They did it. They really really did it. *sniff*

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