Wednesday, March 25, 2009

After the Break

Lois returns! Yes, that's right the witty, quick tongued journalist who doesn't take any crap returns. From...well that doesn't matter, but she returns and from the beginning Clark fails. he fails picking her up leaving her to haul her stuff from the airport in serious downpour. But she handles it with all Lois-ness that she can muster, in hopes of hiding the hurt it chiseled in her armor.
Yet Lois is not the only thing on Clark's platter. This week in Smallville he's confronted by the treacherous Linda Lake, a reporter who plans to blackmail Clark or out him as the Red-Blue Blur. So what does he decide to do, something that "solves" both his problems. He tells Lois his secret and charges her with writing his story. Once she gets over her disbelief and ends up in Clark's arms once again, he instantly shoved into fame.

I mean the streets are crazy and of course they love him. Until his decisively impulsive decision backfires and Linda Lake oust him as a murderer (Lex's disappearance) among other things. With that his image comes tumbling down and the fans at his door quickly turn into the authority and his friends, those he meant to protect are being hassled and even questioned.

After racking his brain with the help of his BF, he decides that he has turn back time. But turning back time always has its consequences; so what's it going to be this time?

Well fans no worries, no one (important) dies...yet, but in his tracking down the Legion ring. Doomsday reveals himself to Chloe along with his purpose--which is to defeat Clark. In his hastiness to press the undo button he never hears what Lois has to say after the tussle in the barn.

Important Addition: Lois finally gets a chance to catch up to Clark and they delve into their relationship and he tells her the plan to rewind time. In reaction she wonders when you go back will you tell me your secret again.
And due to his hero complexes he honestly answers No, because of the danger it imposes on her. With those words the armor and wall she's been hiding behind for the past 3 years crumbles. She spiels to him about how all people want to be is special and now she sees that she isn't. She continues to use Chloe and Lana as evidence (yes she lingers), in the fact that he told them his secret before and they still will know after the time travel. In an attempt to comfort her he tells her that she is special.

But this is what seems to missing from this exchange. She doesn't realize how different and important she is because although Chloe and Lana know his secret, he never just came out and told it to them. They had to find it out on their own and even when they knew it still took him a while to be completely honest and reaveal his alien abilities to them....In the end it doesn't matter cause with the simple act of placing the ring on his finger his back in Smallville before the whole fiasco and he gets Lake locked up--where she ends being annihilated by D-day.

Oh poor sweet Davis Bloome. With Clark being tested by Tess Mercer, due to her suspicions being strongly cultivated by Lex's journal, for being done with Lex she still relies on his resources, a lot of focus is on the development of Bloome and his alter-ego. After terribly failing at contolling his murderous blackouts with drug abuse. Tsk, tsk, drugs don't solve problems but obviously violence does. At least in this case, so instead of taking out his acts of brutality on innocents his spends his night seeking out criminals and harnesting his horrid acts towards them. Yet every unkind dead doesn't go unpunished.

Jimmy comes back! A lot of returns happening :) While in the hospital one night Jimmy sees Davis attacking a man. When the next morning comes and the man is found to be dead, he instantly points the finger to Davis. Presumptios or Right On the Money? Hmm....well Davis with the backing of the hospital claims that Jimmy was doped and was fabricating things. But Jimmy with his instincts and natural investigative tendencies doesn't give up and finds some horrifying clues on Davis ambulance and when caught is once again drugged, by the perp--Davis. So with a crazed breakout on Jimmy's part, Davis is in the clear.

But that doesnt stop my man Jimmy, no he takes matters into his own hands and ties Davis up, and come close to releasing the ravenous beast inside of him but when Chloe shows up everything gets...twisted.
She knocks out Jimmy!
Then proceeds to comfort Davis.
side bar: previously they discussed the kiss that the shared and Chloe kinda just brushes it off and in a moment of weakness later on when she is worried about Jimmy they share a long hug.

In the end, when Jimmy is released from the hospital he and Chloe split! Chlimmy is no did this happen. Well Jimmy's reason is valid although he is morphing into a dark druggy. But honestly look back, she's always taking up for everyone else but her husband. She didn't show him the support he needed when he needed. Especially after the tramatic experince that was there wedding. It turns out they didn't need a honeymoon to find out that it wasn't going to work.

Clark isn't the best at keeping secrets so although Mercer doesn't see anything with her eyes she can put enough clues together along with the structure of the "plane crash." She knows something is up.Mercer, she gets the job done.

Trouble is a brewing...

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