Sunday, August 9, 2009

True Blood 2.08 "Timebomb"

So when did True Blood decide to be so awesome? Is it actually good now? Because I just spent the entire episode clutching my seat and gasping and flailing around, heh. Of course, I could just be a crazy person, but damn, this show is getting better.

So I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Godric. He is awesome. So. Much. Love for him right now. I'm really digging his outlook, and I wish the other vampires would follow along, because really, the vampires on this show are extremely scary and not nice and people you really don't want to be around. I know there are nice vampires, and I love Eric beyond belief, but let's not forget what Eric did to Lafayette or what Lorena did to so many humans.

On the other side of course, Reverend 'Crazypants' Newlin is still crazy and horrible and then the end with Luke? Holy freaking crap. Not good. Fantastic cliffhanger, but not so good for Godric and the others. Can't we all just get along?!

Just want to appreciate the hotness of Eric for a second....

Sigh....I am grateful you are on this show.

What the hale is going on with Maryann? I like Maryann, I do, but this story line right now is kind of going nowhere. At least as far as all the stuff with Tara and Eggs and the rest of the town. I am still interested in the stuff with Sam, but...I'm a sucker for Sam. I just love the guy.

Poor Jessica. I cannot get over how much I love Jessica/Hoyt. Still. I know I say it every episode, but I'm still shocked at how much I'm loving that storyline.

Jason brings so much joy into my life. So. Much. Joy. It's hard to explain in words how wonderful Jason is. He's something you have to experience for yourself to fully understand, because there are so many things about him that are amazing. He's ridiculously hot, ridiculously adorable, and ridiculously stupid. And he makes me fall in love with him every time he's on screen. You guys...I think I have a thing for Jason.

So excited for next week, holy crap!


MightyMaxine said...

Well I'm glad things are turning around for ya.
PS you might be slightly crazy :P

Lea said...

LOL well thank you! :)