Monday, August 3, 2009

True Blood 2.07 "Release Me"

Not as good as last week's, but still pretty good (am I really saying that about True Blood?)

Oh great, another flashback with Lorena and Bill. Yawn. Ok, I guess it's sort of important information about Bill's back story, but....I don't care about Bill's back story, heh. Although I will say, Bill looks WAY better in his flashbacks than he does now. His hair is terrible.

Eric, Eric, Eric...sometimes you are the best part of this show. You hardly even did anything this episode, but every time you were on screen all I could think about was how this show would be way better if it was only about you.

God, Anna Paquin is a terrible actress. Just, what the hell? I don't get it.

Jessica/Hoyt might be my goddamn OTP for this show. Every time they were onscreen I just sat there with the biggest grin on my face. How could this show provide something so cute? They are the most precious things in the whole world.

Jason is so ridiculously adorable I can't even take it. Question though: did Sarah actually shoot him at the end? That scene was so weird. I don't understand why it was all slow motion with the dramatic music. It made it seem like it was a dream or something. I expected "Hide and Seek" to start playing any second (100 points to anyone who knows that reference).

Poor Daphne :(

What the fuck is going on with Maryann? So she's a Maenad. Ok, that's fine, but just, what the hell is going on with her and the rest of the town and Eggs and everything? I do like the story line a lot, I just feel like we haven't gotten too much information yet. This episode was the first time we really got anything substantial, but I'm still so confused. Poor Sam too.

Godric! That's Godric? He looks a lot different from his flashback. Why is he just walking around the basement? I thought he was supposed to be locked up? Did Godric and Eric have a thing? What the hell is going on?

Next week looks good...


MightyMaxine said...

YAY 100 points for me :P
Dude you are soooooo conflicted about this show.

Lea said...

haha, I knew you'd get the reference ;)

I know, right? I can never tell if I love this show or hate it. Sigh. Oh True Blood, always confusing me...