Not much to say about this episode. It was very much a set-up episode for next week's SEASON FINALE OMG!!!!!!1111 Ahem...I actually wasn't going to write anything about his episode, which I enjoyed, but didn't really love (mostly because it just made me confused), but I made a pact to myself that I would write a post about every episode of Lost this season. And because no one else posts on this blog and you're all probably sick of hearing about American Idol, I present to you, the top 5 best things about last night's episode:
1. Sawyer/Juliet: Has it happened? Have they become my new OTP? Maybe. Although, is it just me, or is anyone else expecting DOOM for them in the finale? Their conversations just seemed so final. Sigh. They're probably going to kill off Juliet so they can pair Sawyer with Kate again.
2. Sayid: Surprise, muthafuckas! That is what I imagine Sayid wanted to say last night when he made his grand re-entrance. You know, I don't even like Sayid, but sometimes on this show, when characters are gone for a really long time and then come back, it's very exciting.
3. Annoyed!Ben: Annoyed!Ben is my favorite flavor of Ben. He looked pissed the whole episode. And it was cracking me up.
4. Hurley, from the future: Hands down best conversation of the episode and one of the funniest moments of the season. There should be a show just about Hurley, Miles, and Jin. And Daniel too. When he comes back to life....which he will.
5. Jacob-killing Locke: Oh Locke-y. Just what are you planning on doing? You've gone crazy again. And I like it. This show is such a mindfrak.
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