Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lost 5.13 "Some Like it Hoth" + American Idol Results

There was a moment this morning while I was in the shower when I seriously contemplated watching American Idol live instead of Lost....WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME, AMERICAN IDOL?! *sobs quietly in corner*


So, Lost tonight. Miles episode, yes? Star Wars references? Bring it on! (please don't let Kris get voted out please don't let Kris get voted out please don't....)

Baby Miles is SO CUTE. That is Baby Miles, right? Yep. Precious. Finding a dead body has to be traumatizing for a kid. Poor precious baby Miles.

Radzinsky is such a douche bag. "I'm in the circle of trust", heh. And that's a dead body. A dead hippie body. "The ditch had a gun", hee! God, I'm happy this is a Miles episode.

American Idol commercial break
Group number...from Flashdance! Matt really got the spotlight in this one. Adam cut his hair! And commercial break.

Punk Miles! Hilarious! Aw, Miles' mom is dying. Miles father is SO Pierre Chang. There's no concrete evidence for this, but I just have a feeling.

"Wait a sec...are you on some kind of secret mission?" Oh Hurley. I love Hurley and Miles together. It always leads to hilarity.

Juliet! I missed you last episode. Uncle Rico...Poor Uncle Rico. Why do I feel sorry for him all the time when he's such a douche? Oh my god, the way Juliet's face just changed there from worried and frantic to calm and composed was awesome. Elizabeth Mitchell is such a good actress.

American Idol
OMG THE ZEFFRON IS THERE! Ahem. Oh shit, they're building the bottom three right now. I'm so nervous. Allison is safe. Yay! Adam is safe. Duh. Anoop is in the bottom 3. I thought so. I think it might be his time, sadly enough. Went to commercial before announcing the rest.

God Hurley, why are you making things so difficult? Yeah, we all knew Hurley was going to find the body. Filling yanked from his tooth right through his brain? That's horrible! Why does Hurley immediately go the "talking with dead people" route? Oh yeah, he can talk to dead people, can't he, heh.

Why should this guy believe Miles was telling the truth? How does anyone know Miles is telling the truth about his ghost whispering? Who would ever give money to someone like that in advance? Stupid people. Naomi! Poor Naomi. Things did not go too well for her last time we saw her.

Is it just me or are they sort of setting up a Roger/Kate thing? That's...weird. God Kate, you are the worst liar ever. You need to take lessons from Juliet. Yeah, mind your own business, Kate!

"You're just jealous my power's better than yours" Hee! Oh, you two! Ha! Miles knows Pierre Chang is his dad! He looks so upset about this fact.

American Idol
Jennifer Hudson performance. She looks so pretty, and sounds great. I really like her. They went to commercial without anymore results. Ugh, this is killing me!

Purchase order for an old airplane, huh? So is this confirmation that Widmore faked the crash? Or has that already been confirmed? LOL "When do we leave?" Oh Miles...

His mother got in line behind him? That's freaky. Pierre Chang is kind of a douche too. What is with all the douches on this island. I enjoy saying that word, don't I?....douche.

Uncle Rico is suspicious. God, Kate, you ruin EVERYTHING! I don't think Jack is helping either.

LOL this conversation with Hurley in the car is awesome! He's not being exactly subtle about the father/son thing though, heh. Aw, Hurley likes Miles, methinks.

THE NUMBERS! It's the Swan Station?! Is this going to turn into Hurley trying to sabotage the Hatch building so it doesn't cause the plane to crash? Whatever happened, happened, remember Hurley?

American Idol
KRIS IS SAFE!!!!! Thank God! Bottom three: Lil, Anoop, and Matt. Anoop is the first one safe. YAY! Commercial break. I hope it will be Lil who goes, but I'm thinking it might be Matt. Honestly, I know I'm supposed to root for Matt because he's from Michigan and all, but I've just never warmed up to him. I wouldn't be sad if he was gone, so I hope they don't use the judges save on either of them tonight.

Guy named Bram. Dude, is he the guy who was with Illana on the plane who went crazy last week? Yes! "Do you know what lies in the shadow of the statue?" They're not working for Widmore?! What?! What is going on? In the season 4 episode, "Eggtown", Miles asked Ben for $3.2 million and that's what he asked from these guys too. It's double what Widmore was willing to pay him. Whoa. Holy shit, a lot of information is being thrown at us in this scene. Bram says his "side" is the one that's going to win. Does this have any connection to Widmore saying to Locke in "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" that there was going to be a war on the island and the Locke had to go back to save everyone?

Aw, Hurley is trying to play counselor for Miles. They are so cute! I love them together! OMG did Hurley write Star Wars fanfiction?! He's writing Empire Strikes Back! He's so cute.

Hey Sawyer, missed you! "Why the hell would he think that?" Because Kate is an idiot and she ruins everything! You see Sawyer, this is why you should stay with Juliet. You know, I know everyone liked it when Sawyer laid the smack down on Jack, but I like it better when they're friends. I'm a fan of the bromance if you couldn't tell. And...Sawyer just punched that weird looking guy. This whole situation is just spinning out of control. Not good.

American Idol
Moment of truth. Lil is safe. Shit! Matt is the lowest vote getter. He's going to sing again for the potential save. I'm really nervous for him. The judges are "deliberating". Wow, Kara is being annoying with her dancing. She always had a hard-on for Matt. I can't tell if he sounds better tonight or yesterday. That high falsetto was still bad and it looked like he ran out of breath at points. And Lost is back so I'm being left in suspense.

Aw, Miles, you can be a good person sometimes. Miles has daddy issues just like everybody else on this show. I think the writers must have had really bad fathers.

Hurley teaching life lessons yet again. OMG Star Wars parallels, heh. Aw...what a nice scene between Hurley and Miles. What a good guy, Hurley is. Those two are perfect together. I hope they become a permanent tag team! Or a ghost hunting team! The Ghost Busters!

Aw Miles. Look, your dad did love you. Wow. I'm getting emotional watching this. This is so sad! I love it when Lost makes me get emotional, heh.

Scientists from Ann Arbor! Shout out again! Daniel Faraday, what the hell? WHAT THE FUCK? DANIEL, I MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?


Next week: No new Lost next week? *darth vader scream* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Final Lost Thoughts: I liked it a lot! It was funny and touching and added a whole bunch of new mysteries. My favorite part was DANIEL FUCKIN' FARADAY! But all the stuff with Miles was great too. We needed to get a backstory episode for him, and I thought this one had just the right tone for a character who's so often played for comic relief. It was a bit more lighthearted, but still had some emotional moments. My biggest question coming from all of this however (besides what the hell Daniel was doing), is the whole "what lies in the shadow of the statue?" stuff. That made me the most intrigued and I can't wait to see how it plays out.

Final American Idol thoughts: Just checked and DUDE! They used the save on Matt! Wow! I was not expecting that. Hm...don't know how I feel about that. The fact that TWO people have to go home next week scares the crap out of me. Well, uh, good for you Matt, I guess. Apparently Simon told him that he has no chance of winning, but that they're saving him anyways. So...why use the save in the first place? What if someone more deserving goes home next week? Crap, now I'm all worried again. DAMN YOU, AMERICAN IDOL!!!!


zozizzle said...

What's this I'm reading?! "There was a moment this morning while I was in the shower when i seriously contemplated watching American Idol live instead of Lost"? You, my friend, are in the beginning stages of OIWS--obsessive-idol-watcher-syndrome. It's okay, though. Other people have gotten through it, and so will you. I think the only prescription is to watch 2 episodes of complex television and write a post about them the next morning.

Anyways, onto LOST. All I can say is my heart is slowly betraying me because I liked Miles a lot in this episode! I think what I learned about him is that even though Miles has been easily bought off in the past, he still can be good. I almost cried when he was watching his father take care of him as a baby. And when Pierre Chang said he needed Miles to help him with something, and Miles was all sincere and said, "You need me?", I awwwed out loud.
Also, I think Hurley and Miles could have their own show. I can see it now--it could be called "Star Buster Ghost Wars!" There could be a segment where Hurley shares his fanfiction about how Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi really should have turned out, and Miles could provide snarky commentary. And, of course, they would have segments where they both talk to dead people. What do you think, ABC-powers-that be??
But, yeah, all around, it was a great episode. I loved that A2 got a shoutout and that we got to see Daniel again! Daniel, where have you been??? How did you get on the sub??!!! I guess we'll find out on the next episode of.....


Lea said...

*shame* Thank you, Zozizzle. With your help, I may be able to get over my OIWS. Recognizing I have a problem is my first step.

So glad you liked this episode! Miles was kind of a softy in the end, wasn't he? I liked that. I hope him and his father can connect a bit more on the island.

"Star Buster Ghost Wars" HA! That's brilliant! I would so watch that! Those two are a comedic tag team made in geek heaven, heh.

Super excited about the next episode, that won't air for TWO MORE WEEKS! Curse you....