Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lost 5.11 "Whatever Happened, Happened"

Kate episode. Let's hope it isn't as boring as all of the other Kate episodes:
  • Previouslies: I still can not get over the fact that Sayid shot Ben. It was just so...disturbing.
  • I can't help it, I feel so bad for little Ben. That kid is so innocent looking and a really good actor.
  • Aw Turnip Head. So cute. "Catch a Falling Star" was the song Claire wanted the family who was going to adopt Aaron to sing to him. Did Kate know that or is it just a meaningful coincidence like this show does so often?
  • I'm watching American Idol during commercials. The group numbers are always so painful. Ugh Megan you better be gone tonight.
  • So Cassidy knows the whole story now, hm? Is this going to come back later? Yeah, it probably will.
  • "I'll shoot you in the leg" Ha! I'm sorry Zozzizle, I love Miles.
  • Hurley freaking out about dissapearing was great. I loved this conversation between Miles and Hurley about time paradox. But which theory do we believe is true?
  • American Idol check-in: Building the bottom three now. Kris better not be in the bottom! And....they didn't announce anything. Wow. This is why I kind of hate this show.
  • I kind of agree with Jack. It's sort of douchey that he doesn't want to save Ben, but at the same time I can understand why he wouldn't want to. And I also kind of like the new Jack better, not the old Jack.
  • Uncle Ri--I mean, Roger is making me feel bad for him and for little Ben and its making me feel weird.
  • Hurley + Miles = Awesomesauce: "Huh. Hadn't thought of that." Oh wow I am loving this conversation. It's like Lost wants to talk about all the crazy time stuff, but they didn't want to make it boring so they gave it to the two most humorous characters on the island.
  • American Idol commercial interlude: David Cook! I was so happy he won last year. What a cool guy. Still no results, what a surprise!
  • Them taking Ben to the Others does not seem like a good idea at all.
  • Aaron was all a figment of Kate's imagination! Oh, just kidding, he ran off with someone who looked like his real mom. Toddler Aaron has always been kind of annoying.
  • American Idol time: Allison is in the bottom three?! NO! Oh good, Megan's there! That's good at least. Adam's safe. Duh. Kris is safe! Yay! That's all that really matters. Danny is safe. Boo. Scott is safe. Anoop is in the bottom three :(
  • Auntie Kate?! Why is Kate so annoying all the time? I want to like her, but I...can't.
  • Sawyer broke her heart? What is with all this Poor Kate/Bad Sawyer talk? The reason why I started shipping Sawyer/Juliet was because I thought Kate always treated Sawyer so horribly and he deserved way better.
  • "I'm doing this for her." Yay!
  • Oh shit Juliet is pissed! I really like this convo between Jack and Juliet. She's saying things we're all thinking. Elizabeth Mitchell is such a good actress.
  • Aw Sawyer asking about Clementine. What a cutie, he is.
  • This episode is all about revisiting the old "couples": Kate/Sawyer and Jack/Juliet. I surprisingly like this. I think these people dealt with so much emotion between each other during their time on the island together that they need to have these conversations. Sawyer needs to clear things up with Kate and Jack and Juliet need to talk things out with each other.
  • AI again: Lady GaGa is so scary. Simon says only one is worth saving. He's totally talking about Allison.
  • I knew Kate was going to leave Aaron with his grandma. I really like this scene. It may actually be making me sad. Yep, I'm a little choked up. So Kate giving up Aaron is supposed to symbolize her becoming stronger? Because before, when she first got off the island, she said she needed Aaron (but why is this? Are we supposed to interpret that it's only because Sawyer left her?), but now her giving him up is her recognizing that she doesnt need him and that she doesn't have to hide behind him anymore. Maybe? I don't know. I feel like I shouldn't be so confused about this. Did I miss something?
  • Richard Alpert is going to turn Ben into an Other by having the island save him.
  • Ellie? Charles? as in Hawking and Widmore? Are they still on the island at this point? That was a typical Lost throwaway line that's going to have huge significance later.
  • Aw shit... creepy smoke monster home. That can't be good.
  • Michael Emerson, I missed you this episode. "Welcome to the land of the living". What the hell, Locke? You're so weird.
  • Next Week: All About Ben. Sweet! So excited! Looks better than this week was.
Overall, I enjoyed the episode like I do every week, but it wasn't one of my favorites. I'm glad we got confirmation about what happened to Aaron and why Kate came back, but this felt like a set up episode for next week. Had good character moments and some funny stuff with Hurley and Miles, but overall: meh.

Final American Idol Check-In: Megan was eliminated! Whoo! All is right with the world!

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