Wednesday, April 22, 2009

American Idol Top 7 Results Redux: 'Lost' Replacement

No Lost tonight :(
So it's the American Idol results show instead! Oh, don't kid yourself, it's totally a good replacement. I know you're all excited.

Yes, I'm liveblogging the American Idol results. Don't judge!

And here we go! God, they have the most dramatic recap videos ever. I'm still so happy for Kris from last night. He was so good. Also, to prove that I'm not just biased, the majority of the main stream media ranked Kris as the best performance of the night or a very close second. Go on and check! I'll wait....

Back? Good.

Video of the idols rehearsing a dance number choreographed by Paula Abdul! This is going to be such a train wreck, oh god. Danny thinks he's a good, Danny.

Oh wow, this is painful. This is so cheesy! They're wearing ugly 70s clothes and doing ugly 70s dance moves. Adam is SO the most into this, heh. That was so terrible it went back around to being awesome! And now they're giving Paula a tribute. You know, I kind of like Paula. I used to hate her, but she's been surprisingly not horrible this season. Now Randy on the other hand...

Ford music video. They're working at different places? Adam and Lil have a dog spa? I'm normally watching Lost so I normally miss these. What is the point of these videos? They're so short and random.

Time for results!
Lil: She looks so nervous. Ryan puts her at the far end of the stage, but doesn't say she's in the bottom...and she is eliminated! Wow, they didn't prolong that one, did they? I'm glad she's going home, but I do sort of feel sorry for her. She was treated pretty horribly last night, even if it was kind of deserved. Paula said she's going out with class. I agree, good job Lil! Don't they normally give these contestants video sendoffs? Guess not.

Some disco singer is there singing a song. I didn't hear her name. I'm so bad with these old singers. She sounds....not good. Had to go check: Freda Payne singing "Band of Gold". Wait, is this a disco medley? Now Thelma Houston's singing "Don't Leave Me This Way". She sounds way better than the first lady. OMG she just sang "Simon...don't leave me this way" That's awesome! She keeps putting his name in the lyrics! She's great. K.C of K.C and the Sunshine Band singing "Get Down Tonight". That's what he looks like? That's surprising. He does not sound good either. And the medley's over, thank god.

Back to results!
Kris: Please be safe please be safe please be safe please be safe...oh god, he's so cute. AND HE'S SAFE! YAY! GOOD JOB, AMERICA!
Adam: Just say it Ryan, there's no way he's not safe. And he's safe!
Danny: Stop talking, Danny. The more he talks, the more I don't like him. He's safe. Crap! Wrong, America!
Anoop: Ryan just comes out and says that he's in the bottom three.
Allison: Wait...she has to be in the bottom three b/c there's only two people who Ryan hasn't talked to yet and there's two spots left in the bottom three. This is weird! Ryan doesn't say where she stands yet though.
Matt: Wait...Ryan just said he's safe! There is no bottom three, there's only a bottom two! Allison and Anoop are in the bottom two! SHIT! You really suck, America! It can't be Allison!

David Archuleta performance. That kid is so adorable. I was a David Cook fan, but I liked Archuleta too. Suprisingly, I don't think he sounds that great and the song is kind of weird. Still, whenever he smiles it makes me want to feed him milk and cookies and tuck him into bed. Ryan brings him over to talk to the bottom two, and he gives them inspirational advice. He's so adorable! I just want to smush his cheeks!

Here are the final results! I'm so nervous for Allison. I love you Noop Dawg, but Allison HAS to stay! AND SHE'S STAYING! ALLISON IS SAFE! Anoop is going home. Aw...he looks like he's going to cry. He sounds great right now. Anoop, you have a great voice, like really really great. I don't know why America never liked you. Now Lil and Anoop are getting their video sendoffs. These video packages always make me a little emotional. Aw, farewell Lil and Anoop!

Damn, that really got to me. I swear, this stupid show takes over your soul!
....I wonder what the theme is going to be next week? ;)

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