Monday, April 6, 2009

House 5.20 "Simple Explanation"

Kutner is dead? KUTNER IS DEAD?! That was...completely and totally unexpected. What is with this show? Why does it kill off/not give enough screentime to all of its good characters, but keep the annoying ones coughforemanandthirteencough. I don't normally write about House, mostly because I don't really care too much about the show anymore. There have been episodes I've missed this season that I haven't bothered to go back and watch (including last weeks, which I'm hoping wasn't extremely important in relation to what happened this week). I decided to watch this week's however, because it was supposed to be a huge "event" episode.

On a more serious note though, this was a really really strong episode because it felt real. The whole episode I was expecting them to answer why Kutner killed himself. I was waiting for it, but more importantly I wanted to know. Much like House, I needed to know. But like it so often happens in real life, sometimes when people commit suicide their loved ones are left with no answers. They will never know why someone did it. And this episode left the audience feeling that as well. I felt so empty and lost by the end of the episode, much like the characters did. I really really liked seeing House being so emotional over what happened, and trying to find out why, not because he needed all the answers, but because he really did care about Kutner. And Taub's break down in the end was well played seeing as how as far as I can remember, him and Kutner were the closest.

I'm still kind of reeling over this episode, and I feel absolutely terrible since I really liked the character of Kutner a lot. Really really powerful stuff, and I think that House handled it well, but I still can't help thinking "Why?"

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