Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mad Men Season 1

So I'm a little late on the Mad Men bandwagon, huh? Better late than never I always say! Because I'm really really glad I finally sat down to watch this show. I haven't been writing about my Mad Men experiences yet because it actually took me a while to get into the show. Compared to the other show I watched on DVD this year, Veronica Mars, where I would watch like 7 episodes in a row, Mad Men was different. Mad Men is a bit of a slow burn. It grows on you. I didn't realize how much I really enjoyed the show until I watched the end of the finale and cried out in frustration because I never wanted it to end.

From the very first episode I could see just how great of a show this was. The attention to detail, the rich characterization, the dialogue, everything about it was fantastic. I don't think I really started caring about this show however, until I really embraced the characters. I look at the episode "The Hobo Code" (which along with "Nixon vs. Kennedy" and "The Wheel" are my favorite episodes of the show so far) as the one which really dragged me into the show, because all of a sudden I felt truly immersed into these characters lives. Before that episode I spent so much time trying to figure all of the characters out, that I didn't realize that I never was going to figure them out. Not completely. Because they are just too complicated, and that's when I knew I couldn't quit the show. I cared too much about all the characters, even the ones I sometimes hated (I have a really strong love/hate relationship with Don).

I originally had written here a list of my favorite moments from the show, but of course, I ended up making it way too long and cut it out because all of my posts are way too long. Perhaps I'll make a separate post about them later, but for now, know that most of my favorite moments involve Betty shooting at birds, Don and Pete's rivalry, Sterling's softer side, Joan, Peggy/Pete, and any focus on the more minor characters (Sal, Harry, Paul, etc.).

I've still only watched the first season and I don't know when I'll be able to watch the second. Perhaps I'll just wait for the DVDs. Even so, Mad Men is a show I would recommend to anyone who likes good television, and really really awesome theme songs:


The Derelict said...
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The Derelict said...

Hey, I deleted that comment; it was mine. I wanted to revise it but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that, so I just yanked it. Sorry. :)

Anyhoo, I'm so glad that you like Mad Men. It's not a "typical" show, as you point out, and I was afraid you wouldn't warm to it. So happy you did!

I think you should watch season 2 online (sidereel seems to have all the eps). I mean, I guess you can wait until the dvds come out (in mid-summer), but I can't! I want to discuss it with you!!!! I had been recording the eps on my tivo for you to watch, but if I transfer them to dvd the quality will be kinda poor and also COMMERCIALS! Gah! I hope you don't mind, but I think it's prolly better if you watch online (and I kinda need to free up the space on my dvr *shame*)

Let me know what you think. :)

Lea said...

Hey! I'm glad you introduced me to Mad Men. You see, you can be a TV crack dealer too! :)

Dude, it's totally fine if you want to delete them off your tivo. I'll try watching on the internet, I'm just afraid the episodes might be hard to find. Still, as much as I like this show, I don't mind waiting for the dvds, because you gotta watch the show in the best quality possible, am I right? No worries!