Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lost 5.12 "Dead is Dead"

Still writing about the episode as it airs. Yes, there's going to be American Idol interludes:
  • Is this guy Widmore? He um...doesn't really look like grown up Widmore although he sounds like him. This guy's way hotter than Widmore. And I was right! Widmore was such a nice guy back then.
  • Little Ben breaks my heart.
  • The look on Adult's Ben face when he sees Locke is Hi-larious!
  • Judged by the smoke monster?! Oh shit that doesn't sound pleasant.
American Idol Commercial Break:
  • I know this is going to make me sound ignorant, but who the hell is singing right now? Old crooner? Anyone know? Ah, Frankie Avalon. I just want to warn everyone that I'm pretty sure I'm going to be done with American Idol after this week. Why? Because I just discovered something called DialIdol and now I'm convinced Kris is going to be eliminated tonight and if that happens I'm done. Done. This isn't just me being overdramatic either. If I have to endure Danny and Lil for another week without any Kris to counter them, I'm done. This show makes me more and more pissed off every week.
  • "Have a nice day!" Oh Ben, you are so wonderful sometimes.
  • Hee! Ben is manipulating the other people from the plane. This is fantastic. Ben, you are fantastic!
  • Flashback wig! OMG that's a horrible wig. Little Ethan! Young Russeau...still crazy! Why does Ben take Alex anyways? That was a random scene that didn't really explain as much as I wanted it to.
  • Elephant in the room = Why did you kill me? Ha! So we finally know why Ben killed Locke. Oh Ben, you are so evil and matter-of-fact. How can such a little man be so imposing?
  • "I was just hoping for an apology". Hee! Oh Locke, I would be so much more upset than you :)
  • !!!!!!! Ben just shot Caesar! Hahahaha oh wow, Ben is bad. Ass. "Consider that my apology"?! I really do love Ben a lot, despite the fact that he is totally evil.
American Idol:
  • Mayor of Kalamazoo is there! My brother goes to college there. I wonder if he knows Matt. There is no possible way that's true, but it would be cool nonetheless. Ryan is going to announce the bottom 3 now. What is Paula wearing?! Actually, what the hell is Randy wearing? Adam's safe. Duh. Kris! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! DialIdol was wrong!!!!! Sweet Jesus this is the greatest day of my life! Ahem...Anoop is in the bottom 3. Poor Anoop :(
  • Ben wants to be judged for killing his daughter. I like that explanation. Widmore is being played by older Widmore now. Widmore is finally being a jerk. Widmore and Ben can't kill the baby, but this still doesn't explain why Ben took the baby in the first place.
  • Future Dharma. Where is Sun and Lapidus? What did Jack's dad do with them? Oh god, light in the house. So creepy. Is it Jack's dad? Please let it be Jack's dad. It's Sun! Yay! Even better!
American Idol:
  • Flo Rida performance. What does it say about me that I recognized Flo Rida, but not Frankie Avalon? Have no idea who else is in the bottom 3. Ryan looks so out of place standing next to Flo Rida, heh.
  • Sun/Jin breaks my heart. When will they be reunited?! This show is so mean to them!
  • Bendiana Linus and the Temple of Doom!
  • Hahahaha flashback wig! Widmore in handcuffs? He left the island frequently and that's when he had Penny? The island wants Alex dead? This conversation is confusing me. What is going on? This is not how I was guessing Ben tricked Widmore into being banished from the island. I thought there would be frozen donkey wheels involved.
  • I can't tell if Ben is lying in the conversation with Sun or not. He's so wily.
American Idol:
  • Bottom 3 is Anoop, Scott, and Lil. PLEASE LET IT BE LIL!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
  • Oh god Ben's in a marina. Oh god oh god oh god. NO! You will not kill Penny! Oh dear god! This is an occasion when I hate Ben. Ack don't cut back to the island now!
  • Ben and Locke are like spiteful children. That's what suprise!murder will do to two people, I guess.
  • Wait. How does Locke know all this stuff about the temple? Did I miss a crucial bit of information?
  • Tell Desmond I'm sorry??!! OH NO!!! BEN WHAT DID YOU DO???
  • Back to the marina. oh shit oh shit oh shit....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE SHOT DESMOND!!!!! omgomgomgomgomg...BEAT HIS ASS, DESMOND! Shit, what just happened? WHAT JUST HAPPENED??!!! NO, NO COMMERCIALS! ACK!
American Idol:
  • It's in commercial right now, which is good, because I'm still freaking out about Lost. And it's back. Aw man...Anoop and Scott are in the bottom 2. And contestant with lowest votes: Scott. I said based on vocals he needed to go home, but I feel so sorry for him.
  • Lord of the Flies, all up in this joint? Did Illana and the other dude get the sickness?! What is going on?
  • This is a really nice scene with Ben at the end. It's interesting how this episode has given us little glimpses into the nice side of Ben. I like that the show can show us he's sympathetic, while at the same time reminding us that we're not supposed to feel for him too much...because he can be an evil bastard.
  • Smokey! Inside smokey are Ben's memories. Wow, this is making me really sad watching this. Alex! This is just like when Eko was killed! This is what happened to Eko right before he was killed. If I'm interpreting this right, the smoke monster manifests itself as someone who the person was close to and got killed, and then it "judges" them. Eko didn't pass the test with his brother, but Ben passed the test with Alex. Interesting.

Next week: All about Miles. I like Miles, so I'm excited!

Overall thoughts: Liked it A LOT! Ben is such a dynamic character and Michael Emerson is such a great actor, that any episode focusing on him is bound to be good. This one did a good job in giving us plenty of mythology to sort out while at the same time adding more depth to the Ben character. Maybe one of my favorites of the season. More importantly though, IS DESMOND OK? I'm really concerned, you guys.

Final American Idol thoughts: They didn't use the judges save on Scott, which I wasn't expecting, and I really didn't think they should. I love Scott as a person though and wish him all the best! On a lighter note, looks like I will be watching American Idol next week. Damn you, Kris! :)


zozizzle said...


comment. done.

Just kidding!!! ;)
As we discussed earlier, I, too loved this episode of LOST. Ben is honestly the most interesting and multi-faceted character on the show. I never know when he's telling the truth or when he's lying. I did like that we got to see his tender side when it came to Alex and that scene on the dock with Penny and Desmond. Speaking of which...OMG DESMOND! After what you told me about what the producers said on the podcast, I am now fearing for my favorite scotchman's life. It was only a bullet in the shoulder, right? Right???! I guess we won't know until a later episode. I suppose I'll have to resort to pleading until then. So, here goes: Dear writers of Lost, please let Desmond live so he, Penny, and Charlie can live happily ever after. On their boat. Or on land. Or wherever. And let a terrible circumstance happen upon Charles Widmore...just because. But not before we find out why he was tricked out of leaving the island. That is all.

On another note, I saw the preview for "Some Like It Hoth." Normally, I say I have a strong dislike towards Miles, but his episode looks interesting. As much as I am loathe to say it, I'll probably enjoy it.


Lea said...

Ha! You had me going there for a minute :)

Ben is quite possibly one of the most interesting and multi-faceted characters on any show. And to think he was only supposed to be a Season 2 guest star!

I am like, sick to my stomach about the Desmond thing. There's a part of me that thinks there's no way they would ever kill him off, but there's another part of me that knows that Lost has killed off like, all of my favorite characters so I'm scared. I need to see what happened on the dock after Desmond pushed Ben into the water.

I actually don't want a terrible circumstance to happen to Widmore. Partly because there's more of his story to tell, but also because I don't want Widmore to be the sole bad guy. Because if Widmore is the bad guy, that would make Ben the "good guy". And I never want Ben to be a "good guy"...Because he is just so deliciously evil :)

I know about your relationship with Miles, but I'm excited about the episode, because it's apparently going to be a bit more of a funny, light-hearted episode, and I think we need that right now. Also, Miles is hi-larious so I'm excited :)

Lea said...

Oh...and I forgot to add: