Thursday, April 2, 2009

Supernatural 4.18 "The Monster At the End of This Book"

Love. So much love.
Because there was no new Office or Grey's, I got to watch Supernatural live tonight! And it was glorious! The meta and in-jokes were totally spot on and hilarious! Being a fan of this show for a long time, I caught every single reference they threw out there. They even referenced the username of a person who posts at a messageboard I frequent. Crazy! Although I think my favorite part was the publisher gushing over how the best parts are when they cry, hee! It's um...kind of true.
Of course, the cool thing about this episode was the incorporation of the mytharc. I loved how they integrated everything into the episode while still making it funny. Castiel giving Dean subtle hints in order to help him was great (I think I may be in love with Castiel, seeing as how I shrieked when he came onscreen) and Chuck the prophet was awesome and hilarious. I also thought the stuff with Lillith was really intriguing and set up so much Sam goodness. Sam can be kind of scary and this episode really hit home how much he's begun to fall. I thought the Sam and Dean dynamic in this episode really worked, both their fear for each other and their anger at each other's actions. I thought that this episode was a really clever way to further the mytharc while still doing a service to the characterization.

This is why Supernatural is so awesome. I don't really write about Supernatural too much, but I always enjoy it. Always. I started watching this show at the end of its first season and I was downright obsessed with it for all of its second season and much of its third. My love isn't at quite the levels of intensity it used to be, but I still love this show for all that it is. I don't think its given enough praise at all. It's consistently funny, emotional, and scary, with two great actors and characters and tons of creativity. I've never watched a show (besides Lost) that has been so consistently daring in its storytelling. This season alone has had an episode take place entirely in the past, one that was all in black and white and featured Dracula ordering a pizza, an episode with a giant suicidal teddy bear, one entitled "Criss Angel is a Douche Bag", and one that featured an alternate reality where the two main characters were desk jockies. I'm extremely happy that the ratings this season are up and that it already got picked up for a 5th season, but I still don't think this show gets the credit it deserves. I urge anyone reading this blog to give it a try, I guarantee you'll like it!

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