Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Chuck 2.21 "Chuck Versus The Colonel"

aka: 11 Reasons why this episode is the most awesome episode in the history of episodes
aka: I can't actually explain in words how awesome this episode is so let me scream at you!

1. Chuck/Sarah= Who doesn't love Chuck/Sarah? The make out/almost sex scene (damn you, Morgan!) was magical. These two belong together and this episode pushed them even closer.

2. Chuck/Sarah/Casey= They all love each other so much! Casey just wanted to be invited! They went to the rehearsal dinner as friends! OT3!

3. Casey= I feel like I've reached some kind of pinnacle in my Casey-love. Like, there is no possible way I could love him more than I do right now. How is he so perfect in every way? CASEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4. Fight Scenes= Casey beat someone up with a radiator! Enough said.

5. Scott Bakula and Chevy Chase= This show always has awesome guest stars. Chase as an evil Steve Jobs is awesome, but Bakula as Chuck's dad was a genius piece of casting.

6. Jeff and Lester= Two of the funniest moment of the night: Awesome saying Casey might have kidnapped Chuck and Lester replying, completely unaffected, "I don't care". And moments later Jeff sniffing the chloroform. They are so disturbing!

7. Godfather references= Big Mike as Michael Corleone? Awesome. Quoting whole chucks of The Godfather, Part 2? Even more awesome. Anything that references the Greatest Movie Ever Made is alright in my book.

8. Morgan= I can take or leave the guy most of the time, but his Benihana dream was adorable and his shirtless escape from the Buy More was genius!

9. Tony Hale= He is one of the funniest people on television. Love him!

10. Awesome= He was well, awesome! I love that it was him who found out Chuck's secret first. I cannot wait for the hilarity that is sure to come.

11. The Intersect! Out of Chuck's head!= What? So much stuff happened this episode, it felt almost like a series finale. The intersect is out of Chuck's head and now...where do we go from here? I don't know, NBC, where do we go from here? I can't wait until next weeks episode and next season to find out, right NBC?

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