Tuesday, April 28, 2009

American Idol Top 5 Finalists Perform: Rat Pack Attack!

Yes, this week is the ever-so-current theme of...Rat Pack Standards! Despite the fact that this show picks the most randomest themes, I'm actually pretty excited about it. I think we should get some good performances out of the thing. Also, Jamie Foxx is the mentor? Ok...could be cool, I guess? Why is this show so random?

And it's starting! Aw...all the guys are wearing suits. Apparently they normally sing 2 songs during top 5 week, but because this show has an inability to end on time they're only singing one each. I'm expecting a lot of filler.

Here are your top 5! Allison looks so pretty! Kris is so little, heh. Video package: there's a surprise mentor for the contestants! I already know who it is, Idol! It's Jamie Foxx. And now...a Jamie Foxx montage (filler).

Performance time!

Kris: Aw, I'm sad he's going first. Now I have nothing to look forward to, heh. He's so cute! Ahem. "The Way You Look Tonight". Love this song! Jamie Foxx loves him! He says he would do a record with him! He's his number 1! Ha! Go Jamie Foxx! This is so pretty! This is so soulful! Now he's walking around the stage. He looks really confident up there. It's picking up speed now. This is so great! Really good! It's so pretty and kind of sexy too, heh. Wow, I just 'squeed' aloud *shame*. The judges are loving him! Simon thinks it was a little safe though. Oh no, Simon doesn't think he can win. Shut it, Simon! Aw...despite what Simon said, that was really really good. He keeps getting better and better! All the way to the finale, baby!

Allison: She really does look gorgeous tonight. She turned 17 yesterday! "Someone to Watch Over Me". So, Jamie Foxx is actually kind of a good mentor. She's going slow too. Starting off really good so far. Very pretty. She's putting a lot of emotion into the song and it's really working for her. This is one of the first times that I've felt like she's really connecting to the song when she's singing. That was great! She's so adorable. I love her. Simon asks her if she can win, because he doesn't feel like she's being confident enough and thinks she could be in trouble! What is with Simon, tonight? He is in a bad mood. Shut. It. Simon.

Matt: "My Funny Valentine". So far, Jamie Foxx is giving the most critiques to Matt. Jamie Foxx is kind of hilarious. Matt is going slow tonight too. This is pretty good. Kind of boring though. Did I detect some out of tune notes there? It's hard to tell with Matt because he can't hold a note without doing his falsetto. The last note was really good and then he ruined it with his high falsetto at the end. Heh, Randy said "pitchy". That's the only thing he knows how to say. I want Matt to go tomorrow, but I feel kind of bad for him right now, because he always looks so serious. Wait...this is the performance you're going to praise tonight, Simon?! What?! Simon, what is going on?! This is getting ridiculous!

Danny: "Come Rain or Come Shine". Jamie Foxx is awesome! I never thought he would be this good of a mentor. Danny "walks" onto the stage, ugh. This is pretty good so far, as much as I hate to admit it. Oh wait, he's missing some notes here. He's picking it up right now. And there's the signature Danny shouting. Oh no, Danny. That ending was bad. He lost it in the end there. It was like a scream-fest. Ew. Ok, I guess he sang it well, I just cannot get behind his voice. NO! Danny-praise from the judges. Oh lord. Oh dear sweet Jesus. Simon, redeem yourself, please! He didn't. I hate this show. I hate this show and I hate Danny Gokey's stupid smug face.

Adam: "Feeling Good". Wait, is this the Muse version? Because I LOVE the Muse version! Yes, this is the Muse version! Wow...this is kind of sleazy, heh. He's changing it up a little bit, but it is almost exactly like the Muse version so I hope no one calls him original. OMG that glory note was held for WAY too long. I was expecting to LOVE this, but I didn't. I think I like the original too much and so I can't separate the two. He did sing it very well, but I'm with Randy, this felt WAY too "Broadway" for me, maybe more so than I've ever felt with him. But of course the judges love him.

Final thoughts: This was a really really good night. Is it just me or is this a pretty good Top 5? Like, no one is horrible (ok, well, Danny is horrible, but he is a good singer I guess). My favorite of the night was....actually I'm not sure between Kris or Allison. Which makes it all the more depressing in that those were the only two that Simon totally threw under the bus. Normally I'm with Simon, but he was WAY off tonight. I think that Matt will probably go home, but I'm worried about both Kris and Allison. Kris, because he went first and Simon critiqued him. Not to mention the fact that while he sang lovely, the song was pretty low key and might be forgettable. Allison's in danger because she's been in the bottom 3 a lot and Simon really trashed her tonight. I love Allison, but my two hours of voting is going to Kris, heh. Still, if you have any love for myself or this blog, you will vote for either of those two. Adam doesn't need your votes anyways ;)

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