Wednesday, March 17, 2010

American Idol Season 9 Top 12

The theme this week: THE MUSIC OF THE ROLLING STONES! Get ready for a lot of train wrecks.

As an aside, I find it kind of humorous that Zozizzle didn't want to watch last season of American Idol (and only watched some eps b/c I forced her), yet THAT was the season that actually had a lot of talent and goodness.  And now she WANTS to watch this shitty season where there is VERY little talent or goodness.  Ahem...I'm just saying.  It's interesting.

Zozizzle: Yes, yes, 'tis true. Well, I have to say that thanks to Mind Grapes, I got invested in this season (much to my chagrin). And ever so slowly, I've gotten more and more sucked in! First, it was the auditions, then Hollywood week, and now, I find myself wanting to watch the top 12.
American Idol Vortex, you have gained one more soul...

Big Mike- Miss You
He has a sweet story, i'm ngl.  His high notes are always really surprising. How do they come out of this person?  It was good, but he's dancing around again and it's all kind of lulzy. But he was pretty good. Simon calls him corny. Exactly.


Didi- Play With Fire
I love Didi's voice so much. Please don't suck. Whoa. Those are some smoldering looks there, Didi lol.  I think her voice sounded very nice on the song. She has a great tone.  She was pushing her voice a little too much on some of the high notes, but she really seemed to connect to the song. I thought that was a very solid performance.

Casey- It's All Over Now
Electric guitar again.  He's put that country/rock feel into the song. He bores me so much though. I think he's playing kind of safe.  I agree with Simon though that there was something missing from it. There's no spark there.

Lacey-  Ruby Tuesday
Bitch shouldn't even be here. Ahem.  A string quartet. How quaint. What  is she wearing? OMG her voice is so shaky.  I really like this arrangement, but her voice is not good right now.  She has no control over it.

Andrew- Gimme Shelter
His parents are kind of awesome, I'm ngl. They were in a gang.  No guitar? What is this?  He's singing it straight and I'm surprised.  The vocals aren't that good.  He looks kind of uncofortable too.  I want more emotion from him! This song is so powerful, and he kind of has no stage presence. And eesh that glory note wasn't that great.  Ellen says it was his best performance so far. What?  And I agree with Kara. I hate myself.

Katie- Wild Horses
BITCH REALLY SHOULDN'T BE HERE! GTFO! She is so annoying.  She was probably a fucking pageant girl.  Stool.  Ok, she has a good voice.  I can't really deny that.  This wasn't a bad all actually.  It was pretty good.  Her voice sounds so old though.  SHE'S A ROBOT!

Zozizzle is here! Yay!  What do you think of the show so far, Zozizzle?  She's not really wowed yet, but she's hopeful.  We still have the Bowersox.  Zozizzle just yelled, "YEAH!"  She's sort of excited.

Tim- Under My Thumb.
TIM URBAN, YOU LITTLE FUCKER. I love you.  His smile is very toothy and slightly frightening as well.  I like this arrangement.  His voice isn't that great, heh, but he always looks so earnest when he's singing and I kind of like that.  There's a part where he stops singing  and stares right at the camera, and I can totally imagine a little girl watching and being like, "omg he's singing right to me!!!! *votes 100 times*".  I agree with Kara (kill me) that I liked that he changed it and tried to fit himself.  Zozizzle thinks it sounded like Jason Mraz.  Oh are so endearing.  Why do I like you?  WHY?!  It's the smile....

Siobhan- Paint it Black
OMG her giant glasses are so awesome! And her family is awesome! She is awesome! OH HOLY GOD THIS IS SO FUCKING AWESOME ALREADY! OH. MY. GOD. Oh holy shit, Zozizzle is giving her a standing O.  That was so good.  OMG I couldn't even type anything until after it was over, I was so mesmerized.  I was just thinking that it was very Adamesque and Kara said the same thing. GET OUT OF MY HEAD, KARA!  That is what the show needed.  BOO YAH!  GAUNTLET HAS BEEN THROWN.  WHAT NOW, CRYSTAL?

Lee- Beast of Burden
He always seems so nervous. And Ryan jsut said he was nervous.  GET OUT OF MY HEAD, RYAN.  He's doing his Lee thing to it.  Gravelly vocals with guitar.  The softer, lower notes don't sound as good.  When he goes to his "Daughtry place" as I like to call it, he sounds better.  Yawn.  Ok, ok, it was a'ight.  Ellen compares Lee to a hospital gown.  I love her.  I just want him to smile omg.  Relax, Lee!

Paige- Honky Tonk Woman
GTFO Paige.  You REALLY don't deserve to be here.  Ahem...HER EYES ARE PURPLE! Are her eyes not purple? She's freaking me out.  Her eyes are like Tim's smile.  They have mind control powers.  Much muuuuch better than last week.  It's like she's a totally different singer.  That was really quite good actually.  I'm pleasantly surprised, because I don't want to hate Paige.  I just hated her momentarily because she stayed over Lilly.  She sang through Laryngitis.  Impressive.

Aaron- Angie
He's just a baby.  OH HOLY FUCK HIS MOM'S NAME IS KELLY KELLY. OMG I'M LAUGHING SO HARD HAHAHAHAHAHA.  Wow, I really thought this was going to be a lot worse than it is, but he's bringing his country thang to it.  He really does have a good voice.  He rocks back and forth awkwardly though.  That was good.  Zozizzle thought the performance was a little too smooth for the song.  He is SO David Archuleta 2.0.  Good on ya, Aaron, I enjoyed that.


Crystal- You Can't Always Get What You Want
PIMP SPOT, BABY!  LMAO Zozizzle just said in regards to Crystal and the pimp spot:  "LIKE SHE NEEDS IT!"  BOW.ER.SOX.BOW.ER.SOX.BOW.ER.SOX.
Shit, don't suck, Crystal.  Bill Bowesox is my hero.  He is making me cry.  I'm giving this one to Zozizzle, Crystal's biggest fan: Two words. LOVE. HUH. 
More words: Again, I think she seemed really natural onstage. She took a great song and sang it with a lot of flare and finesse. Simon basically said that Siobhan beat her tonight...and I kind of agree. I'd love to see a Siobhan-Crystal rivalry! But Crystal's still my favorite in the competition. Fo sho.

Well said, Zozizzle.  I think that Siobhan was the best of the night, but I loved Crystal and Didi as well.  I can't wait for a Siobhan-Crystal throwdown top 2 night! It's gonna be awesome!

Who goes home?  Lacey probably.  Maybe Paige.

I only voted for Didi tonight though :)

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