Saturday, November 22, 2008

I'm so excited for this show to return I can't even talk about it

New Lost trailer/promo/The Fray music video:
I know I need to stop posting trailers for this show, but I can't help it!  OMG DESMOND/PENNAH!!!!  AND SAWYER AND JULIET HOLDING HANDS!!!! I want Sawyer/Juliet, people!  I want it!  Wow, I almost cried watching that...I'm turning into a crazy person!
Here's the Season 5 poster:
WHERE IS JIN ON THIS POSTER?! WHERE IS HE?!  Zozzizle, you need to come over here and reassure me that Jin is still alive, ok?  I'm feeling sad.

Apparently, I really can talk about my excitement, heh.  I think I might even do some season 4 posts when I get the dvds in preparation of season 5.  SO EXCITED OMG!

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