Friday, October 30, 2009

Adam Lambert's New Single, "For Your Entertainment"

STFU Glamberts! It's totally possible to like both Adam AND Kris. Shocking, I know, but I really do love Adam a lot and am super happy, because I'm really liking his new single!

It's very dance/pop/electronica/techno/Lady Gaga-ish. I can totally imagine myself freak dancing to this in a club (if I was the kind of person who frequented clubs). I admit to originally being a little worried, because the direction Adam was going in isn't really my kind of music, but I really like this, so yay! His album comes out November 23rd! Look at that, I like all of Kradison's singles a lot. Best Top 3 ever! (Gokey who?)

What do you guys think? (and yes, that is really Adam's album cover lol)


zozizzle said...

He sounds really good! Now, about that album

Lea said...

lol i know, right?

The single? Awesome!

The Album cover? Um...

And the worst part is, the single cover? Fierce as hale. That should have been his album cover.

The Derelict said...

Wow. I LOVED that. LOVED IT.

And I kinda love the album cover too. :D Yes, it's cheesy as hell, but it's fun (and funny). Sometimes we need a little silly, fun stuff in our art. It's bold and campy and retro and funny and yes, entertaining -- all the things we love about Adam. ;)

But yeah, that single cover is sweet.

And you know, until you mentioned him, I had totally forgotten about Gokey. Heh.

Lea said...

WHAT?! With your reaction to Allison's single, I thought you were going to hate this. YAY I'M SO HAPPY YOU LIKE IT!!!! It's really catchy. I've been listening to it non stop since it came out lol.

The album cover to me is still...bad lol. But I kind of love it for all the hilarity it's brought me. And you're totally right, it's very Adam. The fact that you know he probably loves it, makes me love it :)

I'm not kidding, I always forget that Allison didn't actually come in third. She should have anyways.

Dear God,
Thank you for letting Gokey get signed to a country label so I don't have to ever hear from him again.

The Derelict said...

Yeah, I don't know why my reaction this time was so different from my reaction to Allison's single. I guess it's because I expected something more Rock 'n' Roll from Allison so I was disappointed (also, I just think this song by Adam is straight up BETTER -- it's a better-written song and it sounds like Adam).

Hahaha! Gokey signed with a country album!!! Sadly for me, I listen to country, so Gokey could be showing up on my 99.5 some day and that will be sad making.