Friday, October 3, 2008

9/29-10/2 Weekly Television Recap

Chuck-  Another reason why this show is so great?  They used a Flight of the Conchords song this episode.  Awesome!  As for the episode itself?  I thought it was really good.  Pretty much the same as what I come to expect from this show.  My favorite part of any episode is still Casey though (and he totally loves Chuck! Aw!).

Heroes-  I liked this episode better than last weeks overstuffed premiere.  I thought a lot of the story lines were pretty interesting.  Except Claire's.  Girl is REALLY starting to bother me.  The bank story line was OK, however I absolutely HATE what they're doing with Sylar.  If they make him at all sympathetic or try to redeem him in any way I am going to be so pissed.  I like Sylar because he's just straight up bad ass evil!  Not because he's this morally complex character!  Save evil-Sylar!
House-  I was really happy we got to learn about Taub this week instead of having Thirteen shoved down our throats like most weeks.  I actually liked his story line involving his wife too, and hope that they stay together because they both seem pretty cool (his wife was way prettier than him though).  This was probably the best episode of the season so far.  Jury's still out on the private investigator, but I thought it was cool that he found out Cuddy went to Michigan.  Shout out!
Fringe-  Walter is still the best thing about this show.  Everything he says is hilarious.  Root beer float, heh.  The lead actress still bugs which is disappointing.  Although the writing for her isn't really doing much help--Olivia is kind of a boring character.  Creepy bald guy is creepy, and I like that they've added a new mysterious villain (or is he?) to the show.  I didn't think this week's case was as good as some of the other weeks, but it seemed as though the episode was more for learning about Walter, having Peter buy into the program, and exploring the father/son relationship between the two.  Something which I'm surprisingly interested in knowing more about.  I like those two's dynamic.
Pushing Daisies- THIS SHOW IS THE MOST WONDERFUL SHOW IN THE HISTORY OF SHOWS!!!!!  I spent the entire episode with a giant grin on my face.  It is just AMAZING!  "He's stalking you" = greatest Emerson line ever, and if Lee Pace gets any adorabler I won't be able to stand it!  I LOVE THIS SHOW!
Project Runway- Wow, dudes, that was intense.  One of the most intense runway shows I've ever seen!  With the tears and the yelling and the insults.  Wonderful!  I'm a little ticked off however that Kenley wasn't eliminated.  It was so obvious that hers was the worst outfit, yet the producers want to up the drama by having someone get eliminated next episode.  Whatever.  I'm just hoping Jerell makes it to the final 3, because he's just so awesome!
Supernatural-   Mary was a hunter WTF?!  This was an awesome, awesome origin episode.  So many things were explained and in a totally meaningful way that made sense.  I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did, what with Sam being absent pretty much the entire episode, but it was...amazing.  And tragic!  It was so sad to see that Mary didn't want her children to grow up like she did.  And seeing John when he was young and cute and sweet and nothing like the hardened and bitter man we met in season one totally broke my heart.  Add that to the extremely brutal way in which Mary's parents were killed, and this was one depressing episode.  It also added a ton of questions to the mythology.  It really excites me that the yellow-eyed demon's endgame is still in effect, AND the forces of good are concerned for what's happening to Sam.  Is there a Sam vs. Dean showdown in our future? Probably.  And I'm not sure whether that makes me excited or breaks my heart.  I think both, heh.

My pick for favorite episode of the week:  Pushing Daisies!!! With Supernatural at a very close second.

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