Thursday, February 12, 2009

Welcome to the All Tahmoh Fridays

**I must first apologize for not posting in a while. If we're behind on the posting, it's most likely because school is really busy. We will try to rectify this soon!

Dollhouse premiers tonight! 9 o'clock on FOX! Whoo! You know what that means: it's the start of All Tahmoh Fridays! 2 hours of Tahmoh...every friday! I know most people are excited about the fact that Dollhouse is a new Joss show, and Eliza Dushku's in it, and it's going to explore deep themes like free-will and identity, etc. But I'm the most excited for the Tahmoh!

Confession time: Helo has been my favorite character on Battlestar Galactica since the miniseries. I love how morally upright he is and I love his relationship with Athena (OTP!) and I love how much of a big damn hero he is.

Confession time part 2: I love Tahmoh Penikett. I think the guys a great actor and very...ahem...handsome, and I was totally in LA this summer and he sat behind me at a movie theater and watched The Dark Knight with me and I could barely pay attention to the movie because all I could think about was Tahmoh behind me and I wanted to talk to him but I was too afraid to do it and it was like the greatest day of my life....yeah...

Confession time part 3: I wasn't really that interested in Dollhouse until I heard Tahmoh was cast in it. I was sort of intrigued with the show mostly because I absolutely ADORE Firefly (still not sold on Buffy or Angel...yet), but the truth is, the premise always sounded so weird that I was unsure if I was going to watch. The Tahmoh casting made up my mind right quick!

Conclusions: The All Tahmoh Fridays make me very happy. They should make you happy too! Come and join us in the All Tahmoh Fridays experience.

Dollhouse, 9 o'clock FOX
Battlestar Galactica, 10 o'clock Sci-Fi

For The Derelict: Goodness


MightyMaxine said...

Wow! I never realized how much you LOVE Tahmoh. I'm starting to believe that it may have outgrown your love Jared :P

I do have to say that he is looking mighty fine in that suit. (No worries his still your man-candy...I got my Jaime Bamber to admire)

Lea said...

haha yeah, it's a little pathetic how much I love him. I always loved him before, but then when I actually saw him in person, it became...intense :)

Oh and yes, I'll always let you have your Jamie Bamber :)