Gosh, Battlestar! Way to make me feel all depressed! Why you gotta be like this, Show? I spent a good majority of this episode either totally freaking out, crying, or both. Initially I was crying for Tyrol and Boomer, and their love that could never be. In the end however, I was crying over Athena and Hera and how much of a crazy bitch Boomer turned out to be. Boomer and Helo sleeping together while Athena watched was one of the most disturbing things I've seen on this show, but the fact that Boomer took Hera away made me the most upset out of everything. While I started off sad over Boomer and Tyrol's tragic story, I still was very uneasy about Boomer throughout the whole episode. Still, even I was not expecting at all what she ended up doing! The depression levels on this show are what make it pretty hard to watch sometimes, but they also make it so absolutely brilliant. Still, you better fix this, Show!!!
In other parts of the episode, I thought the stuff with Starbuck was cool, but I was a little suprised that we didn't get more answers about what Kara really is. Even so, I thought the moment where Kara and her dad slowly start to play All Along the Watchtower was really cool and creepy. I'm still waiting for Starbuck-answers, but this episode used music to such awesome effects that it didn't really matter that we didn't get all the answers at the moment.
As part of the All Tahmoh Fridays, I also watched Dollhouse, but I don't really have too much to say about it. I thought the main plot of this episode was pretty weak, and I still think the second episode is the best one so far. My favorite parts of the episode were Sierra's super-fan and (big suprise) all the stuff with Paul. Now that I think about it, while this was the first actual All Tahmoh Friday, what with there being a Helo sighting finally, it was really not a good night for Tahmoh's characters, heh. Poor Tahmoh.
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