A young girl is dead, a mother is devastated and Booth, after a four year case cannot prove who murdered the girl. Booth going on his instincts believes that a federal judge is at fault for the murder of this young musician. With a point in the right direction from Cam, he hires the Jefforsian and Temprance Brennan.
From the moment they official meet it is clear that she has no sense of humor and is all rationale. Still, they hit it off. After she proves her talent and demonstrates her desire for the truth. I really appreciated the fact that the characters remained true to her they are even in the past. This fact becomes very clear when Brennan punches the judge in the nose after he makes some rude comments to her and invades her personal space.
As a result Booth then becomes charged with firing her. Deja Vu anyone? So, thus starts the tradition of them getting drunk together. Under the power of liquor Booth fires Brennan, as instructed. And after a series of realizations what that means, Brennan and Booth share their first kiss which quickly turns into them rushing out the bar. In the end, they don't go home together.
The next day he's instructed to re-hire her and this is where everything seems to unravel. They start to argue, she thinks he got her drunk to take advantage of her in some way. It all ends with them solving the case and Brennan slapping Booth after te lling him she hates him and will never work with him again.
After learning this, Sweet's theory is shot, that they are secretly in love with each other. Out of frustration he tells them, they need to realize the truth and confess it to one another. He eloquently puts it that they punished each other for missing their moment. And in true Bones and Booth fashion they exit talking about grabbing a bite to eat. Yet, you could tell on the couch that Booth is in love with Brennan, so he takes a chance! And he puts his heart and feelings out there, all to get refused. Brennan tells him it won't be fair. The episode is based on the definition of insanity. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. So, attempting to act and answer logically, Brennan tells him that she cannot change, she is incapable of loving him back. So, Booth with a broken heart, gracious accepts and tells her that he has to move on.
And this is devasting not only to Booth but to me! I just can't understand how she can't see that they are two parts of a whole. So I'm pretty pissed at her, whether that's rationale or not I don't care!! It's personally my opinion that he will be incapable of moving on. Because his heart and soul lie with her. Knowing Booth, he'll try, but he'll find it impossible. He may not realize it, and she certainly doesn't but he is completely devoted to her.
Besides their being a brilliant team, I really love the dynamic pairing that they are. So far now I will remain a faithful viewer and fan...
Things that made me happy
- Zach was back, if only for a mere moment
- Hodgen's hair and anger problems
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