Things That Are Happy Making:
- Adam Baldwin as agent John Casey on Chuck. I love Chuck. I think it's a really funny, cute, clever little show that more people should watch. But my absolute favorite part of the show? Casey. Adam Baldwin can say more in Casey's signature "grunts" than most actors can say in words. This is my favorite Chuck scene, by the way.
- The last episode of Fringe was by the far the best episode of the whole show. I like Fringe, but I normally don't really pay that much attention to it while I watch, but this episode had me on the edge of my seat. I was actually really upset that we have to wait until January for the new episodes. Walter and Peter are still the best parts of this show, and I find that their relationship is really interesting and kind of sweet (in a twisted sort of way). Ya'll need to become acquainted with Walter. He's a riot!
- Speaking of best episodes of television shows, the True Blood finale. Fantastic. Normally for me, this show is a mixture of cheesy badness and sort of goodness, but the finale was all goodness. Sam and Tara are still my favorites, and I can't wait to find out what's up with Admiral Cain. (I really hope Lafayette's not dead though!). For the lols: Sookie...can you feel my influence?
- The oldest ever Lolcat! From 1905! And it still can't get a cheezburger! Words cannot describe how awesome this is.
- HBO has bought the rights to turn the "A Song of Ice and Fire" book series by George R R Martin into a television series! I love these books! I just finished "A Clash of Kings" and I'm already on to "A Storm of Swords". If they do it right, this show is going to be awesome! Tricia Helfer for Cersei!
- New promo for season 2 of Flight of the Conchords:
- Twilight in Fifteen Minutes: SAY MY NAME, BITCH! Also, OMG LEIK HI MAH NAME IS ISABELLA SWAN. Plus, OMG EDWARD IM SO BORED IM SERIOUSLY GOING TO DIE OMG. The Twilight fandom can be pretty amazing sometimes.
- I don't know guys, I may be more excited for Lost to return than Battlestar Galactica. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I've been on such a Lost kick lately. I can't wait until the DVDs come out! New season 5 promo pic.
- Now, this doesn't mean I'm not excited for Battlestar. Oh my freaking god am I excited for Battlestar! Here's the new promo for the season:
- OMG ADAMA IN THE AIRLOCK, WHAT? Here's a mysterious website with mysterious clues for the upcoming season: You will know the truth. These last episodes are going to be epic.
- Prince Caspian on DVD. For Narniaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
- The Killers' and Kanye West's new CDs. Music is good too, people!
- Hugh Jackman in Australia. Rugged...
Things That Are Sad Making:
- So, I knew I would have to mention this sooner or later, but Pushing Daisies has been cancelled. I think I felt like if I didn't mention it, it would make it not true, but alas. This is especially hard because the last few episodes have just been amazingly good. Our drunk, Twilight-watching friend, The Derelict, has a wonderful rant about the subject here.
- Heroes. This is the stupidest show on TV at the moment and I can't believe I keep subjecting myself to it every week. I liked this show during the first season. I didn't love it by any means, and I always felt like people praised it way more than it deserved (I love this article: News Flash: Heroes Was Always Bad), but I enjoyed it nonetheless, mostly because it was something new and fresh and exciting and I really liked some of the characters (Ando! Nathan!). Now that all the newness has worn off however, it's just...bad. And it gets my blood boiling more than any other show. This show has crappy dialogue, annoying characters, horrible acting, inconsistent characterization, and totally indiscernible plots. And don't even get me started on what the show has done to Sylar. That, my friends, is the worst crime of them all. It's gotten so bad, I was happy that Elle got killed off so Kristin Bell can be free of this crappy show. Fly away, Kristin Bell! Fly away, to bigger and better things (like a Veronica Mars movie). And yet, I keep watching out of some sick hope that maybe it will get better (or for the fact that it comes on after Chuck so I just leave the TV on out of habit). I can't wait until 24 comes back in January so I will have no choice but to stop watching.
- House. Why? Why do the writer's love Thirteen so much? WHY?! You know, I didn't hate Thirteen when she was first introduced, but the fact that she is shoved down our throats constantly every single week has made me LOATHE her. She has freaking more screen time than House for gosh sakes! Her character isn't even that interesting, and Olivia Wilde isn't even that great of an actress! So why do the writers insist on giving her so many story lines? She makes me miss Cameron....and I used to hate Cameron! I know this sounds silly, but Thirteen is ruining this show for me. I was way more interested in this week's episode of Fringe than I was House. And that makes me sad, because House was a show I used to consider a favorite, and now I barely care about it. Go DIAF, Thirteen! Even professional television critics agree with me!
- The saxophone. Tis the devil's instrument.
Thanks for the shout out, grapes! :)
This is where I found the comment on saxophones and young people:
Scroll down to the comment by CB on Nov 16 at 2:44 am (read the whole thing, though, if you'd like 'cause it's pretty interesting).
And I haven't watched House this season, but what I have seen of Thirteen has been all annoying. Ah, if only Cutthroat Bitch had survived and been chosen as one of House's students!
"They seemed to generally dislike saxophones however"
omg I LOLed at this so hard. He's just being so serious. Thanks for the link!
And yeah, I was always rooting for Cutthroat Bitch to get the spot over Thirteen. She was so awesome! I just don't know what the writers are thinking with all this Thirteen business. It just seems so...obvious that all of the other characters are getting the shaft in favor of her. Can't they see that? Give someone else something to do! Sigh. Very upsetting.
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