IT'S HERE!!!!!!! I really can't believe it's here. I feel like I've been waiting forever and now it's here!!!!!!!
Ok, so...Ok, I got the first book about 4 years ago when I was a junior in college and while it took me about 2 years to get through all 4 of them (school is busy, yo, and those books are looooong), I completely fell in love. It was unlike any fantasy story I had ever read; gritty and dark and uncompromising and brilliant, and the characters! I could go on and on about how much I love (and hate) these characters.
I still can't believe that right after I finished the 4th book they announced that a pilot was going to be made. AND NOW THE SHOW IS HERE!
And I've only seen the first episode, but al;sdkjfals;djf I LOVED it! LOVED IT. I really don't know if I have anything to complain about. I know I'm going to be biased b/c a lot of my al;sdfj;lasdjf is based on the fact that i'm seeing these characters ~come to life for the first time, but i think the tv show did a really good job of staying faithful to the book while still explaining things for the n00bs. IDK i just thought the look of it was perfect and it moved at a good pace and I JUST REALLY LIKED IT.
Some more thoughts:
- THE FIRST SCENE IS SO CREEPY. SO CREEPY. I've seen it a few times b/c of the 15 minute preview a few weeks ago, but the white walkers still creep me out so much every time. IT WAS PERFECT.
- THE STARK CHILDREN OMG. The first scene w/ them all together looking so happy made me so saaaad ;____; lol. I just absolutely loved how they introduced all of the Stark family throughout the episode. You got a good indication of their characters even w/out that many lines. I WAS JUST REALLY HAPPY WITH SANSA AND ARYA AND BRAN. lol I'm one of the few people in the world who ADORES Sansa with my whole being and I have since the beginning. And I liked the little bit we got with her b/c she IS supposed to be kind of annoying at the beginning. And Sophie Turner is absolutely gorgeous <3 And could they have gotten a cuter child to play Bran?! OMG BRAN FLAKES :( I LOVE THAT LITTLE CHILD ACTOR. And Arya in her little helmet, ICANNOT.
- UNF JON. UNF ROBB. Thank you episode for giving us a shirtless scene. I know Robb won't have much to do for a while, but UNNNNFFFFFF LET ME STARE, THAT IS FINE. I thought Kit Harington as Jon was great in the scene with Benjen (BENJEN!!) and later w/ Tyrion outside the feast. I look forward to much more emo and brooding in the future :D
- The only scenes that I was kind of 'eh' about were the ones w/ the Dothraki, but I remember feeling the same way in the books. However, on rewatch I liked them a lot more. Emilia Clarke is lovely though even though she doesn't have much to do. The best part of the storyline was Viserys, who I still hate so much but Harry Lloyd is so awesome and amusing to watch lolol.
- I can't believe I went this long w/out mentioning JAIME! A;LSDFJ I feel kind of awkward admitting that Jaime is one of my favorite characters b/c he's just so horrible in the first book lol. But there is something kind of likable about him in the show, something i didn't even really feel whilst reading the first book (no, my Jaime love comes much later in the books). Besides the fact that he is HOT AS HELL, he's kind of charming as well. I STILL HATE ALL THE THINGS YOU CHOOSE TO DO THOUGH, JAIME.
- I was the most worried about Cersei b/c i wasn't sure Lena Headey was going to match up w/ my impressions of the character, but she was great! She's a bit more "reserved" than I imagined her in the books, but still just as bitchy. I loved how much subtle disdain she had while talking to Cat and Sansa at the feast.
- I love that we only got little glimpses of Tyrion but already he is awesome and i want more!
- I want to punch Joffrey in the face already.
- WHAT WERE THOSE CREDITS?! that was pretty damn awesome. and i already have the theme music in my head :D
- PUPPIES!!!! Needs more puppies!
This was a wonderful, key-smash-and-caps-lock-filled review. Though I feel fairly new to GoT, I, too really enjoyed the premiere and felt the actors did a great job of bringing the characters to life (especially the actors who play the Starks). I can't wait to see how they capture all the WTF moments onscreen because, let's face it, there. will. be. many.
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