Thursday, January 26, 2012

Chuck vs. The Curse

As soon as Casey is returned to Castle by the air duct system, the team is informed that the CIA has warrents to arrest them for the stolen virus and Decker's death. The team forms a plan where Casey heads to meet up with Beckman, Chuck and Sarah take to Orion's old hideout to search for whose behind the hunt for Carmichael Industries.

Meanwhile Morgan heads back to his and Casey's place to find Alex waiting. The two have a sorta date post break up, with Morgan spending the evening trying to secure Chuck's P.A.N.T.S. (Private Artifacts Not To Share). Speaking of dates amidst new parenthood Awesome and Ellie go on their first night out after baby Clara and the pair decided during date night to pretrend they're spies. Of course when you actually know spies and their a chance of mistaken identity this doesn't bode well for the evening. The two end up bargaining chips for the omen against Chuck.

With the Woodcomb's lives in peril, Sarah and Chuck are back to the old days, where Sarah is playing middleman between the love of her life and national security. Previous to this hard decision, Chuck has withdrawn back to his neurotic and slighty unsure self; Concerning himself with a family curse. Of course Chuck is not willing to sacrifice his sister and takes off on his own to face Robin Cunnings.

While Chuck is facing electrocution, Ellie and Awesome attempt to cause a distraction but Awesome himself becomes trapped. In the end Sarah and Casey execute excellent sniper skills to save the day but its seems a little too late because Robin has uploaded the virus.

Once Robin is in their custody they find out that she herself is just a henchman and does not know the face or name behind the hunt for Team Chuck.

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