Friday, April 5, 2013

2.18 New Girl: "First Date"

As if it weren't awkward enough between Jess and Nick, he feels her up when the two are left alone as Winston and Schmidty argue about the shared charger. And Nick being Nick seeks out his mentor, an older Japanese gentleman who I'm pretty sure doesn't speak a word of English.

But he's Nick and constantly does weird, lovable things. So in the midst of working out his feelings about the tension between him and Jess he beautifully explains how he feels and expresses that life is short, concluding that he will ask Jessica out on a date

When he's face to her face with her in a towel, he asks her with out with one word and basic gestures. So of course Jess is confused when he shows up in a suit (which is a "Schmidty"--what I really loved about this is that he cared. And there's just something so specially about Nick caring. But he went to his friends all nervous for advice and help-freaking adorable!<3 font=""> and in turn Nick pulls into his shell and they turn it into drinking at the bar as friends and then eventually decide to go back to the date at a table with food and everything. 

They're a mess but admittedly a perfect pairing because Jess has to be the only girl in the world turned on by Nick gargling beer.

As if their date isn't hard enough Russell (Jess' ex--the one both her and Nick love) shows up and asks them to define the relationship. Which is obviously impossible for them, cause they cant decide if they want to be just roomies, friends, or in a relationship. 

So when faced with speaking it aloud, Jess decides on middle school rules: no full body hugs, 3 feet on the ground at all times--so basically nothing. It's totally agony and I am completely pissed and wishing that Nick would have said what he said in the park. I wish he would have just said something. I know it's scary to be honest about your feelings--believe me I know. But all it takes is 20 seconds of insane courageous to find your way. And yes a drum-roll and crazy angsty build can be the best part of a story...but come on!

This roadblock is unnecessary. Neither of them has a significant other. They have great chemistry--obviously I mean I'd make out with Nick Miller for Pete's sake. They just get each other and as I said they can be weird and odd together. Okay yes they live together but its pretty clear they're "meant to be."

All well, at least his still crush-able and if Jess can't reconcile her feelings, I love him for her :)  Overall it was an excellent and entertaining episode as always and I look forward to see how the season ends but next up we get to see I'm assuming Cece's Bachelorette party--that has to be a hoot!

Man he can wear a suit :)