Why? Cause I can't understand how a show that had so much potential--besides the buzz--could come so far away from its beginnings. The majority of characters are still there in some form, they've just evolved into mutated forms. For pete's sake even Ando has been fundamentally changed.
Since the break here's what happening with all you favorite characters...and I use that term loosely
Nathan Petrelli. Well the creators have decided they need a villain and instead of the same old Sylar thread they choose Nathan, all around American senator. This I can't seem to understand, every time that they remind me that he's the one who started the hunt for "people with extraordinary abilities"--I'm just like Nathan really? Especially since he is one of them.
I know that Primatech would use the "one of us, one of them," but that was different it was usually a bargaining thing and didn't desire to lock up everyone who exhibited powers. So I guess from the return of the break the show has gone to the dogs cause it just seems so illogical. His goal is ideal but of course when others get involved things don't always work according to plan.
Just this past week he was found out (such an obvious set up, a window by an elevator. Come on!) and now is on the run with his fellow compatriots.
Claire Bennet, the special snowflake, aka the Cheerleader, was given a free pass but having the rebel streak (that often comes off a bit forced). I mean do you remeber as a teen breaking onto a an airplane and causing it to crash before once again being escorted back home to get back at your two dads?
In the end Claire doesn't take her GRE and head off to college, but instead becomes a "Harriet Tubman" and helps other like her escape the eyes of the agents. "Reluctantly" she helps, Adam a guy who can breathe underwater (a very non threatening power) and cute comic geek escape imprisonment with some help from her mom. Along the way she spouts some lie about how she doesn't want to be in a relationship and hours later is lip locked with this guy. This past week she helped an old enemy Doyle, the puppeteer and loses her free pass.
Interesting occurrence she gets a job at the comic story and is asked Invisibility or Flight? It had to do with the kind of heroe she wanted to be.
Noah Bennet.
H.R.G. He's always involved in some scheme to lock up those with powers. Trend or habit? Definite Habit. Here's why after the "cliff hanger" fire that killed Claire's bio-mom and supposedly Sylar, he met with Angela and she basically gave him his retirement. What does he do with a a couple weeks around the house loitering he jumps at the chance to head his own operation against this "threat." And in the end becomes another followerof the untolerable Danko (5o times worst version of HRG--pretty much blood-thirsty for heroes). But last week he got out of from under that regime or did he? We don't know its open to change, cause plans never seem to get executed properly.
Angela Petrelli
Well of course she's involved in all this but we're not quite sure about her hidden agenda, besides protection for her and Peter--to an extent...
I have a feeling she might turn out to be the Lucille Bluth this season.
Ando and Hiro
Great duo! Super funny and weird with their views of heroism and GPS tracking system. But what's with their random stopping a wedding in India one week and now babysitting Matt Parkman...Jr? What does Matt's kid have to do with saving the world? Will Hiro ever regain his power or will he get a new one?
Mohinder Suresh
Not much to say, still morally gray. Also has his super strength power but has lost that weird-scaly endo-derm. Basically he ends up on a survival team with Matt and Peter after they escape that dreaded plane off to God nowhere?
Matt Parkman
Well, on Peter's renegade team. Matt has crossed some lines--like pillaging H.R.G.'s memory's and turning some CIA agents on each other. But other than that he's pretty much the same. Oh wait! He does have a shiny new power, "Mr. Isaac Mendez," ring any bells. So after his fruitful pillage he went to take down the big bad Building 26, in search of his OTL.
Previously we were led to believe that Daphne was killed in the war zone and events after the crash. And this made me SUPER angry, I generally hate when my shows add new characters but Daphne turned out to be cool and I was having flash backs to when they kill K. Bell off the show. I mean everytime they have potential with a character they go and kill them what is that about Tim Kring? hmm? But it turns out that she didn't die but is being kept captive along with Mohinder and Tracy Strauss (the freeze).
But ultimately Peter and him with their shared powers aren't enough to hold off all the manpower and brainpower in Building 26. So he lets Peter escape and gets taken into holding.
When Peter leaks the info, Danko needs to put a face on this "threat" so what does he do?! He frames Matt Parkman and straps a serious bomb to his chest and drops him off in the center of Washington D.C. No worries though no one dies and Danko, gets sacked and a crazy stamp from Nathan approved by the Pres.
Peter Petrelli
So the trip to Building 26 wasn't a total bust. Peter get's some pretty incriminating footage, which after a bad trade he releases to the news. Unlike past seasons, Peter isn't distracted by cheerleaders and Scottish girls. He's driven to stop his brother from, bagging, tagging and keeping Heroes away from the outside world.
When he finally is met with an apathetic dying remnant of himself. He yields to the trickery of his old man and the need to learn something about life from his Father, that he gets into a sticky jam--that turns out not to be so sticky and quickly regains his old yearning to be powerful and sinister self.
So there it is you're Heroes update. Being GG, I'm torn between wanting know what's going happen to our beloved (and use that loosely) characters? Will they be able to survive the terror that is Danko? Is Sylar really back to his old antics? Or will he step up and solve all their problems? What about Matt and Daphne? Will she survive? Is his foresight right? Who is the rebel? At first I thought it could Peter...even Nathan, but I'm totally lost....But the pressing question that drives my obsession will it ever get back and return to what made it a show with potential?
*ranter out*
Fantastic! Now I don't have to watch the show anymore!
Seriously, I'm really glad you did this post, because I've been wondering if I've been missing out since I quite Heroes, but I can wonder no longer.
I am really glad I quite that show. In fact, the only aspect of the show I really miss is Ando and Hiro and their epic bromance. I wish someone would just put all of their scenes on youtube so I don't have to watch all the other stuff (actually, I should check to see if someone actually does that, heh). I used to love Nathan and Sylar, but I don't think I can watch anymore knowing what the show has done to them. Ugh Heroes....why so lamesauce?
You should definitely keep doing these posts so I can just find out what's happening through you, and so I'll never have to subject myself to Heroes-crap anymore! :)
I'm glad to be of assistant. Uggh....I wish it would Return to it's previous glory
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