Basically she comes in and Clark is so distracted by his lost love that he seems to forget about Lois and she was even gone from Smallville for so long that I forgot about her myself. So after a bit of confrontation and period of fake separation, since Clark needed to deal with the fallout from the wedding from hell.
So a three groupies show up from the distant future to admire and aid as they can Clark in his journey. Although hyped by advertisements it turned out to be pretty lame and annoying. Cause they tried to get Clark to kill the vessel of Brainiac, currently his BF Chloe.
Props to Allison Mack because she really pulls off the mean and indifferent spirit of Brainiac to the plight of humanity and Clark. She reveals that Davis Bloome is a meant to kill the 'other Kryptonian' and when he attempts to run away from this abysmal destiny Brainiac then locks him into a crystal cocoon to strength him for the act of killing Clark in the newly remodel Fortress of Solitude.
In the end the showdown doesn't even end up occurring at the Fortress but rather at the Daily Planet. See this new trio decided to help Clark out by bypassing him and his reasons for not killing a human being--even if they are a major threat to the whole of society. So after Clark shows what makes him so honorable--the fact that he values life and stops them from killing the vessel and eliminates the danger that Brainiac--He and the trio become friends and they claim that in the future they will realize the preciousness of life. But before they depart they give him a time traveling ring! Yippee!
Back to the Lana Lang disaster so eventually Clark and her get past the whole break up and it is revealed that Lex sent Lana away after she recovered from his stint in a hospice. A lot of time was spent on her back story and what she's been up to. She sought out a trainer of navy seals and the likes to become even more BA (which is debatable)....and eventually she disrupts Lex's plan and takes on his suit. A bit too hastily because it is a new and dangerous technology which leads to heart break.
Since Lex was damaged in physical health and has a low immune system he hired a scientist to do the dirty work for him. So with the help of technolgy and science Lex's get his "new" skin, one built to withstand the harshest surroundings and Battles. Of course with Lana jumping in taking his suit brings her and Clark back together. But only for a while. The suit turns out to be a weapon.
Of course, with Lex being the evil mastermind of the Superman comics and Smallville/Metropolis, he commissioned a suit that could be used to harm Clark while making the wearer invincible. So with Lana's hastiness and the impending destruction of Metropolis, Clark and her are forever torn apart (yipee!).
Personally setting my disdain for her aside, I felt bad for the Clana lovers out there. How long will the executive producers torture you guys. I used to be in that boat but eventually the angsty, forced epicness just became a pain in my side. The way the show frames their relationship is more of an obsession, and that's never healthy! Obsessions=BAD.
Anyways back the story, the suit was designed to absorb Kryptonite (aka green meteor rock)--eventually she takes in a massive crazy amount of that green stuff that keeps Clark on his knees. After a devastating, emotional and intense goodbye. Lana Lang finally gets what she wants: to be more like Clark. But at a substantial cost to her and Clark. And with that Lana Lang is out Clark's life, Smallville and out of my hair (hee!). Good riddance!
Ahem. So I formally say goodbye to the character Lana Lang.
Good ridance! Although, being Smallville, you know they'll find some way to bring her back to annoy us some more.
Personally, this latest Lana arc makes me mad because it seems to invalidate a lot of the romance starting between Clark and Lois. They are the One True Pairing of this show! Not Lana and Clark, like the show is trying to tell us.'s so annoying!
Right!!! I mean its was friking ridiculous. Why do they feel that they have to force feed us a relationship--especially at the a time when Clark was moving on. And when they finally made Lois a more likable character in my eyes and its not just cause they're the OTP of the show.
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