Complete Sadness.
Kyle XY has a been a true light on the bleakness of ABC Family. It is truly innovative and was the first of their own created shows rather than the syndicated content that is mostly found there. I guess my true struggle is that though it has been consistently amazing (there are very few rare moments when it has faltered) and now its getting tossed into the bin--while stupid idiotic The Secret Life of the American Teenager continues on :(
As a way of therapy along with representing the show here are the great things that your missing if you aren't already a fan.
Also please!!! Check out and do what you can to save the tub!
Season 1:
Was basically all about figuring out who he is?
Season 2:
The introduction of Jessi along with all the problems
3.01 "It Happened One Night"
So after Amanda (Kyle's GF) disappears after a perfect night at the prom and he finds a latnok ring in the parking lot. He spends the after party searching for her. Of course due to his connection with Jessi, she becomes involves and ends the night with being abandoned by her mom, Sarah (aka the lady she's cloned after).
On the Trager and Declan front they break up and Declan can't handle it. So at the after party he gets pretty smashed and though Lori is the one who made the decision she is pretty upset about it but in the end accepting of it. By chance she catches Declan lip locked with none other than her sorta slutty best friend Hilary. As a result she's pretty piss, with reason cause it all happens in the same night that they split. But at the same time she did kinda string him along and then smash all his hopes of them being together.
Josh and his adorable girlfriend Andy are dealing with the issue of whether or not to have sex.
The viewers are also introduced to Cassidy. He turns out to be the foreign hottie neighbor to Jessi and Sarah, before she dips. And also with a twist the head of Latnok and who Kyle pretty much blames for kidnapping Amanda.
At the end of the night Kyle get what he wants. That is he saves Amanda and escapes from latnok.... But ultimately it ends up being more than he can handle.
3.02 "Psychic Friend"
Returning on the scene a week later in Seattle, Amanda isn't herself and Kyle is concerned about her. Especially after he visits a psychic at the street fair. He takes the level of protection to a new level and Amanda gets the impression that he doesn't think she can take care of herself rather than true concern over her safety. And why would she see it that way, she spent her whole prom night passed out in a induced state of unconsciousness. Kyle being the super genius he is and in-ept at human interactions mixed with his need to protect everyone he loves takes it too far.
And Amanda being Amanda exerts her independence and chooses to go her own way. Saying that they should spend the night separated. As a result Kyle's solution is to get Lori and Jessi to spy on her.
Also in this epi Nicole realizes that Jessi has been left to fend for herself and thus invites her to live in the Trager home. Seeing as she has nowhere else to go. And Nicole has the most compassionate heart ever known to man and can leave strays to fend for themselves. But Jessi sharing the independence trait with Amanda says that she can take care of herself.
So the girls night in gets translated into a night out as a way to ditch Jessi. But because of the who Declan war between Lori and Hilary lead to a topping fight right on the dock as Amanda leaves them and gets onto a boat for a concert.
It ends up turning out that Amanda doesn't actually get hurt but because of the situations caused that night Jessi gets knocked into the water and none other than Kyle has to save her. All the while he thinks that its Amanda.
In the end he finally finds out about Sarah leaving and realizes that he seems to forget everything else when Amanda is on the line.
Ultimately I felt that this epi was great but left me feeling like it was lacking something, I guess a specific essence. I also thought that the omnious prediction from the psychic about his soul mate being in danger was a set up for him and Jessi to make a further connection. Just a ruse that I saw through.
3.03 "Electric Kiss"
This episode definitely makes the season in my mind. Because the first two were a bit wayward but this episode although it focuses on Amanda's lack of memory and the urgency that Kyle feels to solve it lead to yet another meet up with Cassidy. Eventually Kyle choose to solve the situation on his own with a bit of voltage therapy.
But of course he conducts too much power--I think its the clarity and purity of his blues mixed with all that raw boyish charm :P--so he has to enlist the help of none other than the cone to his ice cream, Jessi. Due to the electric shock having the ability to kill Amanda, he has to practice it on a human, someone who can take and ultimately his many failures lead to an electric kiss.
The nanosecond that Jessi brought up passing the electricity through a gentle touch...something like a kiss--I knew where the road was headed. A disturbing and broken one. I was truly proud of Kyle with the thought process he had, but in his persistent desire to save and help Amanda he does something STUPID!!! And technically cheats on Amanda without being able to explain it to her. So they kiss and Amanda catches them, seeing as she lives right next door!!!
Why doesn't he ever lock his door! Or just why did he have to fall for Jessi's logic with a hidden agenda. 'Cause she's never hidden her distaste for Amanda. So there goes "true love," crumbled in a year.
A final tidbit of information he also sees Jessi naked, new living situations and all--it happens and totally acts as nothing happens. Also due to the new living arrangements him and Josh share a room, while Josh returns to his season one habits...and goes crazy missing Andy. Also Lori gets closer to Mark (her father's student aid). So to say the least there relationship is pretty complicated. Pretty much after really showing his feelings for her, Cassidy! interferes and they don't end up dating.
Anyways, the show culminates with a depressing break up scene between Amanda and Kyle. It just left me in a pit filled with darkness and sadness--because although the Zzyx 'twins' share a lot, I just can't accept that. Especially with the way things ended between Amanda and Kyle, it basically was her giving up on them because she felt that she was losing him. Ugh! In the end, I have to say that it was honest but still....
3.04 "In the Company of Men"
What is Kyle like after he get's dumped? Actually pretty hilarious!!!
Well he spends the a couple of days in a tub, without a bath moping and wallowing. And the family does their best to cheer him up.
Declan gets him and Josh to go to a bar where things get interesting. Declan attempts to hook up with a bald-ish girl :P Kyle takes to drinking his memories and sorrows away and turns into a pretty entertaining guest at the bar that night. Let's just say that Kyle inebriated with his multidtude of talents--not the most conducive to keeping secrets. He spends the night showing off his missing belly button and pulling off the most crazy tricks. He also gives a riveting karaoke performance; he really works the crowd over!
On his way over he is confronted by Foss and finds out that his dead, thus making him a true orphan. As a result Kyle decides that it isn't the best time to tell her everything and repair their relationship. Instead he turns his focus to solving the imposing problem of Latnok on his life.
3.05 "Life Support"
I didn't really like this episode. It seemed like it was just a bridge episode filled with the usual display of Kyle's random and amazing powers along with some drama. A major near death experience for Nicole.
Who Kyle would do anything for, he considers to be his mother. And why wouldn't he, she does all that she can to love him as much as her other children and truly accepts all that he is. So as result and from some "help" from Jessi, he reluctantly makes a deal with Cassidy.
Sidenote: Andy returns and Josh is so happy; Lori feels incompetent next to her new siblings
3.06 "Welcome to Latnok"
As payment for helping save Nicole's life, he becomes a part of Latnok and it turns out to just be a center for genius and prodigy teens who show true promise. The environment created by Cassidy is one in which everyone works to together to solve the problems of the world to the best of the abilities. Cassidy isn't as frightening as the head of Madacorp (season 2) and lets Kyle know that he is free to go.
But when the hospital bill arrives from Nicole's stay in the ICU and the kids start scrimping and trying to save money. Kyle attempts the impossible, getting a grant for an intricate hovering system and starting from scratch 2 days before the deadline!
In the midst of this Andy drops a major bomb and tells Josh that she's moving to Cleavand and the pain that crosses his face right before he pulls her into a super-tight hug, made me feel and share his pain. How is he going to deal? Besides Declan and Kyle--she's pretty much his only friend. I mean he couldn't even handle it when she went on vacation with her moms for a couple of weeks....It just so heavy
Kyle's entry isn't received well by Nathaniel, the hottie bad boy in the club. So he damages Kyle project and sets his eyes on Kyle's ex Amanda. Just when the air has finally cleared between them.
But to put the topping on all this Jessi finally tells Kyle that she doesn't want him to be with Amanda. She doesn't even try to cover herself and say because she doesn't want him to be hurt anymore. No. Instead, she says cause I want you to be with me. And in that moment I was left with my mouth open!
3.07 "Chemistry 101"
When Kyle discovers that Nathaniel and Amanda have been spending time together, he pretty much makes a scene at the Rack and eventually at the party.
So although Latnok is all about advancing knowledge and make life easier to live they still believe that people should party and have fun. Cassidy puts the Zzyx twins in charge and they come up with a theme of Chemisty! Of course, why not, I mean this show just spurts it out of every crevice. It mostly serves as a purpose for Kyle to prove to Amanda that she and Nathaniel not a good match. But when Jessi messes with the necklaces to make them match each other, unknown to Kyle--he makes a scene and Amanda leaves.
Also on his agenda for the night was to break into Cassidy's office and discover what he's hiding. When he accomplishes his task his finds, Sarah's latnok ring. This alludes to the fact that Cassidy might have something to do with her disappearance, several weeks earlier.
Later the night, Amanda shows up on the back porch and wants to get back together. Ultimately Kyle tells her that though he wants to, its just not the right time. Of course Amanda doesn't understand and their both left where they started their nights. Or are they?
When Kyle relays the information to Jessi-she completely breaks down. Her stoic facade is torn down and she becomes inconsolable. But she finally learns that she wasn't abandoned. It's really beautiful scene in which Kyle helps her through it all. And is the friend he should have been earlier. We're left with image of their crystal necklaces finally lighting--and they match! For a week we're left pondering that fact and the embrace they share as he comforts her.
3.08 "Tell-Tale Heart"
The facts all point to Cassidy being involved in Sarah's disapperance.
When we come back to the Jessi's bedroom in the Trager house. Kyle and her are sleeping in the same clothes next to each other. From the mezcla of scenes I could see that his feelings for her had grown in an affectionate way. When he finally wakes up for that day he finds her gone and in his room using the computer trying her best to track down anything related to Sarah.
But the facts all point to Cassidy being involved in Sarah's disapperance so they head down to the Latnok center, in an attempt to gain any information from Cassidy's office. Of course Jessi gets caught---by Nathaniel and you just know that it'll present problems later. When Kyle finally retrieves her from the scene of the crime and their on their way out she collapses in his arms and his realizes that she might just actually be sick.
Yet Jessi persists and Kyle suggests accessing her holagraphic memory. But because of her lack of control and the traumatic experiences that she's has in her 1 year of life she has a threating experience and goes into a coma with a fever.
With truth out Jessi is filled with intense emotions that cross a wide range of the spectrum. She's angry, sad, filled with grief but also seeking revenge.
Amongst all this chaotic time shifting Declan forces Hilary and Lori to make amends--and it all works out in the end. They do their best to handle the situation in a mature way but it doesn't quite work out that way. But they all seemed to have moved on from the past after hours trapped in the Rack.
Josh still is doing his best to stay strong with the coming departure of Andy. But he just can't seem to let her go. Teenage love its difficult and since he's finding it hard to let go. He first asks, pretty much begs his dad to let her live with them and when he doesn't get the answer he wants. He spends the afternoon feeding a machine with quaters so that he can propose to Andy!
Crazy! But Andy trying to be level headed through it all turns him down, not because she loves hime but because of all the other reasons that sixteen year olds shouldn't get married. It ends in a cute and playful food fight--that makes Josh so happy and sad at the same time that he just walks away. I really feel the pain that he is feeling and for some reason everything that everyone tries to do just doesn't work. I can't wait to see what happens next with them.
Later that night after Kyle has worked some magic on Sarah's phone he presents pictures that she had taken of her daughter. As Jessi is silently scrolling through and appreciating the love captured in each moment. In that moment when she feeling so content. Kyle unthinkably kisses her! For real, its not just an experiment this time. And I have to say that I can accept them as a couple--its crazy how my feelings about them have changed. I'm still torn though and I must know what this means for Kyle and Jessi and Amanda and Kyle? It's insane and oh so good at the same time!!
Finally we see that Nathaniel has stolen Sarah's ring out of Cassidy's box and you can the just see the trouble and eminent confrontation rising on the horizon.
I'm super psyched and have bitter-sweet feelings about the next two episodes. Cause it could be the end for Kyle and the gang. I hope that this has shown how amazingly complex this show in and leaves with sharing the emotions and relationships of the character. So take the time to check it out. It's on ABCFamily Monday nights at nine.
You can also watch it online at
They post the videos by Tuesday.
I recommend at least checking out the last two episodes for yourself and experiencing all the emotions and mysteries for yourself!
Seriously peeps, check it out and enjoy the beautiful story that is Kyle XY. SAVE KYLE XY!!!
And Zozizzle said my posts were long! ;)
I'm very sad for you that one of your favorite shows is going to get cancelled. I hope it gets saved! It looks like an interesting show. Maybe I'll check it out someday!
You totally should.
P.S. Kyle/Matt Dallas deserves an epic post ;)
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