A post where I post things. It's been since
January since I last made a post of my own. So here's some of the things I've missed posting about or just have on my mind:
True Blood Season 5
- Yes, this is still a thing that I watch.
- Yes, it's still as trashy and ridiculous and as not good as ever.
- Yes, I still kind of enjoy it for its trashy ridiculousness and cheesy badness.
- I think this season was better than season 4? Most of the seasons kind of run together for me at this point, but the main storyline with the Authority was pretty interesting and I even kind of liked the faerie stuff for once.
- I've come to the realization that Jason Stackhouse is the only character on this show that is always enjoyable and wonderful even if his storyline is horrible. Not that Jason's storyline was horrible this season (I can't even really tell you what his storyline was, tbh. Something about visions of his dead parents), but there are some characters who crumble under the weight of shitty writing (Tara and Sam come to mind). But not Jason. If he was just in every scene ever that would be fine with me. Seriously, gosh I love Jason.
- Speaking of Jason, the resolution of the Hoyt/Jessica/Jason storyline was the absolute best part of the season and one of the very few times I can remember True Blood ever making me cry! I've been really pissed at this show for what it did to Hoyt and Hoyt/Jessica, but the resolution was so beautiful and heartbreaking and if Hoyt/Jessica wasn't going to be endgame, than this is the perfect way to end it. Way to surprise me, True Blood!
- This is the most I think I've ever liked Sookie. Mostly because she didn't have a lot to do. Except get drunk and complain about her life. Which was kind of hilarious.
- Vampire!Tara was better than I expected, but Pam is starting to annoy me.
The Legend of Korra
- Why do I do everything out of order all of the time?!
- I still haven't finished watching Avatar, but I watched this show because I was bored one Saturday morning.
- I liked it a lot! The animation style is gorgeous and the characters were really fun! Also, the action scenes were kind of incredible.
- I can't compare it to Avatar too much since I've only seen the 1st season of that show, but I liked how the characters in Korra are more grown-up. As such, the storylines seemed more sophisticated, especially with all of the politics revolving around the benders vs. non-benders.
- The look and feel of Republic City reminded me a lot of Fullmetal Alchemist.
- I have to say though, the finale was kind of disappointing. Hated how easily things got resolved for Korra.
- Bolin is definitely the best character.
Game of Thrones Season 2
- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
- I can't believe I didn't post about this season at all this year! Besides Breaking Bad, it was probably my favorite tv thing I experienced.
- I'm not going to say this season was better than season 1. I think season 1 had the benefit of a more linear story to tell, so the episodes fit and ~flowed better than this season. But at the same time, I think season 2 was a lot more confident in its storytelling and was able to delve into the characters in more interesting ways.
- Season 2 definitely had more divergence from the book than season 1, but it was still quite faithful. There are a few changes here and there where I was wondering what they were thinking, but for the most part, I think they did a good job at the adaptation.
- And Clash of Kings is kind of a transition book anyways, so if some of the storylines were boring or didn't go anywhere, well...they were probably boring and didn't go anywhere in the book too (See: Daenerys Targaryen).
- Fucking hell, but I hated Theon so much in the book when I read it, but good lord, did they do a fantastic job on his storyline this season. You understood him so much more in the show and I genuinely felt badly for him on numerous occasions. Kudos to Alfie Allen and the writing for giving Theon so many more layers than I ever thought. Just thinking about his conversation with Maester Luwin in the last episode makes me want to cry.
- Speaking of Maester Luwin, his death and Ser Rodrik's probably affected me more than any death on the show thus far. Why are these minor characters making me love them so much?! I pretty much openly wept at Rodrik's execution (I'll never forget you Beard Burns!) and forlornly shouted 'noooooooooo' at the screen while Luwin was dying. Although maybe I was so affected because I can't handle seeing my little Bran-Flakes and Rickon-King upset (holy crap y'all, Rickon has lines! And that little actor is actually acting! And doing a really good job! Future King of Westeros!).
- All of the new actors were phenomenal. How amazing were Davos, Melisandre, and Stannis?! Every time Davos was onscreen, I think I screamed from joy.
- Every time Jorah has said 'Khaleesi' on the show.
- No lie, ever since the show was first announced, the thing I've most been looking forward to seeing onscreen is Jaime's storyline with Brienne from Book 3. And it's here! It's already here!!! And it's so perfect I could cry! In fact, I believe I did cry whilst watching the first scene they had together. He was being so mean to her!! It was so beautiful! :')
Mad Men Season 5
- I'm gonna be honest, I don't really remember a lot of individual things about this season.
- I do remember being kind of disappointed by it though?
- Maybe disappointed isn't the right word. I think I might just be losing my interest in it a bit.
- Because most critics are calling this the Best. Season. Ever. And I don't see it?
- It was very good, don't get me wrong. Still one of the best things on tv, but eh...I think I miss Betty too much. And there was just too much Megan!
- I miss not feeling guilty about loving Pete.
- I was reading through some of my old Mad Men posts and I was struck by just how much joy Pete brought to me. Even when he was acting slimy, I still found everything about him so utterly enjoyable.
- It was HARD being a Pete fan this year. I still love him, but man, I was pretty disappointed with all of his choices.
- I realize that this is a very specific issue that probably only I have.
- The best (and probably worst) thing to come out of this season of Mad Men:
- Actually, years from now I'm pretty sure that's the only thing I'm going to remember about this season of Mad Men.
Downton Abbey
- Here's a preview for season 3
- Season 2 of Downton Abbey was.....ridiculous!
- Sometimes in a good way, often times in a bad way.
- Mary/Matthew was still wonderful though.
Breaking Bad Season 5.1
- Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
- 'Whee' is probably not the right reaction to this show, but ahh I can't help it, I love it so much!
- This was the first season of the show I got to watch 'live' and it was awesome yet painful having to wait weeks between episodes.
- I loved the first half of Season 5. Absolutely loved it.
- I do think it started off a bit slow. But I think that's par for the course with this show.
- I think those early episodes work though because they felt like they were all leading up to that moment where Todd shoots that poor kid. Everything seemed to fall apart after that happened.
- And what a moment that was! I was so preoccupied with the train heist (which was awesome, btw) that I had completely forgotten about the kid on the motorbike from the opening scene. And then...
- The last 3 episodes of the season were amazeballs. It was kind of similar to season 4 for me, where the first part of the season was good, but kind of slow, but as soon as we got to the last 5 or so episodes it became truly amazing.
- This season further cemented my hatred of Walter White. I've hated him for a while, but seeing him in full Heisenberg mode made me loathe him. He's still a fascinating character and I love watching him on the show, but I really know that I can never root for him again (even though I pretty much knew that since the end of season 2).
- And a lot of that had to do with him killing Mike. Who was a character I always really enjoyed. Mostly because he was always so grumpy! But I felt like we got a lot of good Mike stuff this season and I really liked the relationship he had been building up with Jesse since season 4. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen, but I was still shocked at the reactionary way Walt killed him. Mike did end up getting a great last line though.
- If there's one thing I do think this season was missing was more Jesse-focus. Of course I'm always going to want more Jesse since he's my favorite. But I feel like in every season we are right there in Jesse's head along with Walt's and this time, we didn't get that as much. Or maybe I didn't like the direction Jesse was going in - obediently following all of Walt's plans to further the business. I think that's why I really loved the last 3 episodes because we got a little more from Jesse and what he was going through. We saw the toll the murder of the little boy was taking on him, and his ultimate decision to quit the business made me so proud of him! All of his scenes with Walt in the last 3 episodes were brilliant (and occasionally hilarious like that scene with the Whites at dinner), especially their fight in "Say My Name". Jesse is the one character I most want to be happy at the end of this crazy mess, but his life has been just one big tragedy and I'm afraid it's going to end that way.
- I love the notion that Hank is really the hero of the show, so the last scene of the mid-season finale was awesome! I think I was expecting Hank to find out in a "bigger" way, but that's why it was so great. It was very unexpected. I can't wait to see what will come of it!
- To end I'll start at the beginning. With a Walt with hair celebrating his 52nd birthday and buying a gun to do, well, we don't know exactly! But I love this glimpse into the future and I love that Breaking Bad is still taking risks in its 5th season.
- Basically I just really love this show!
I was amused at how short the Downton Abbey portion of this post was.
That darn Mad Men clip! I knew what was on the other side of that link, and I clicked it anyway. *zou bisou bisouuuuuuuuu...darn it!*
About Mad Men, I think the reason why you may have felt Season 5 didn't stack up to previous seasons is because it felt like, despite the Lane and Joan plotlines, there was a rehashing of old inner conflicts whose ends we've seen before.
Though I enjoyed the season, that's how I felt by the end of 5. The characters explored waters that had depth but were already familiar.
For example, Don, once again, by all accounts and appeared to be the posterboy of a successful man with a perfect wife. So, of course, we explored how dissatisfied he was. Mad Men has never shied away from showing the discontentment that comes from 'getting what you want'.
So, when we see that shot of Don in the finale, where he's smiling at the girl at the bar who asks him, "Are you alone?," it kind of looked like the same ol' filandering, ' Don was back. Maybe I'll be proven wrong.
Jon Hamm and the whole cast, of course, always sell me on whatever story arc plays out. It's just that this season didn't seem to have the same stakes. In previous seasons, there was the threat of regime change with Sterling Cooper being sold or the Cuban Missile Crisis, etc. Maybe it's because these arcs felt like they had more time to emerge? The Lane and Joan stories definitely packed a wallop, but I don't know if they had enough payoff to elevate the entire season. I don't know. I'm still looking forward to the next season, of course. I'm just being nitpicky. Also, I just had a Mad Men rant, and I apologize! More scenes of Roger having LSD-induced epiphanies!
Anyways, Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones, yay!!!!
We are so having a BB-themed finale party, complete with hazmat suits, blue pop-rock candy, and fried chicken that we pretend is from Los Pollos Hermanos. And meth ;)
I was going to write more about Downton Abbey, but then I remembered how stupid Season 2 was, so I stopped myself. Guess what I found out though? Season 3 starts THIS Sunday in Britain. Hm...
I love springing Zou Bisou Bisou on people. Just when you think you've finally gotten it out of your head...BAM!
One short comment and you've already gone more indepth and thoughtful than anywhere in my monster of a post.
I think that's exactly why I felt a little disappointed with Mad Men this season. You summed it up well. It kind of felt like treading old ground. The writing was still brilliant, the acting was still phenomenal, but it didn't quite come together for me. Although, yeah, the Joan stuff with Jaguar was fantastic and the Lane stuff was heartbreaking, but believable. Actually, I'm really intrigued about Peggy now. Will she stay with the new agency? I liked that she had the confidence to leave, but I'll miss her constant presence at SCDP.
Oh, and there should always be scenes of Roger doing LSD.
I'm so excited about our Breaking Bad party! The only thing that would make it better is having it inside an actual RV.
Downton S3 starts this Sunday?! How very intriguing...
I'm excited about Peggy's storyline, too. Especially now that she's more in a position to call the shots at the new agency. Will she and Don turn into rivals, trying to out pitch one another to land accounts? I'd love to see some of that.
I wonder how much it costs to rent a winnebago...hmm...
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