Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Doctor Who "A Town Called Mercy" Teaser Clip

Some stray thoughts:
  • I'm getting serious Terminator vibes from our mysterious gunslinger. Unfortunately, he doesn't have an Austrian accent. Fortunately, unlike Ah-nold, it looks like he won't be back for 3 sequels, the first of which was great; the other 2...meh.
  • For a second, I thought the word 'Exterminate' flashed in aforesaid gunslinger's crosshairs and became immediately annoyed because it made me think of the Daleks. I then remembered how to read and became annoyed at my brief illiteracy. 
  • Spoiler-alert, the guy gets shot and says, "Am I the last one?" The last what, pray tell?? 
Anything you're wondering about from the previews for episode 3?

See the answers unfold in "A Town Called Mercy," which airs at 9 p.m. this Saturday on BBC America!  


Lea said...

There's also this teaser clip:
Much more fun :)

I'm getting a Firefly-vibe off of this episode. Which is never a bad thing.

I almost made a Christian Bale "WHAT DON'T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?!" joke. But I refrained.

This episode looks a little more serious than 'Dinosaurs', but I'm still hoping for Doctor-in-stetson goofiness.

zozizzle said...

Can you imagine how amazing a Who/Firefly crossover would be? The Doctor and (a pre-Serenity) Wash pilot the TARDIS!! The two Rivers face off with the cyborg and/or other baddies at high noon!

"Bale Out" is now running through my mind grapes. "OH, GOOD!"