let's hope it's better than last season, eh Tim?
yeah, idk what i'm saying anymore
You know what I watched the past two days in a row? THE AMERICAN IDOL AUDITIONS! I kind of sort of swore that I would never watch this show again, b/c I do not want to go through all the stress that I went through last year. I really do not need to get invested in this show again. But sigh...I watched. And kind of wanted to kill myself, to be honest. I am so sensitive to producer manipulations and sob stories and the like now, that so many things about the episodes bothered me. I think I'll continue to watch in order to see Kris on the background and the credits :D
if you didn't watch, this is pretty much the only thing you missed:
can't deny it, this guy is fucking amazing lol
WHO WATCHED CHUCK?! What did you guys think? I thought all three episodes were great! I think the 3rd one was my favorite though. So much wonderful Casey goodness :D What episode was your favorite? What did ya think overall?
AND LASTLY! watch this video if you want to see something completely and utterly random and hilarious and amazing and will probably make absolutely no sense to you: http://www.somethingawful.com/flash/shmorky/babby.swf
All three Chucks were Awesome (hehe pun intended.) My mom and I were about to freak when we thought that they'd killed awesome. I'm still reeling from the fact that they killed Emmett.
Speaking of Tim Gunn... (the post - not me) there was an awesome cameo on How I Met Your Mother this week!
dude, killing Emmett was HARDCORE. And they still haven't really addressed it yet. that was messed up.
and ah! i almost had a heart attack when i thought they had killed Awesome. thank god for previews lol
Tim Gunn on HIMYM?! how awesome! i just finally got into that show. Am almost done w/ the first season. i can't wait to get to that ep now :)
U didn't tell me that u started watching MG!! Yes! I finally got you to watch one of my shows :P Tim Gunn was superb on that episode!!
hee! yep, i just finished the season 1 dvds. i liked a lot. imma get the other dvds from my friend soon :)
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