Make a wish, three dangerous words you don't want to hear from a mysterious magician in the town of Smallville. In an attempt to cheer up a sad Chloe on her birthday, as an inadvertent way to get on Oliver's good side, she turns Chloe into Lois, outwardly. And it makes for some rather humorous comments along with some trouble for Clark.
Addressing the whole taking of Lois' identity for a day, Chloe just missed how her life was before she quit/got fired (can't remember) from the Daily Planet and she didn't mind being wooed, as it were by Clark for a bit, cause you know they sorta have a thing. But eventually she spills to Clark that it really is her Chloe and Clark being the guy who leaps before looking he busts in on Zatanna, the scandily clad magician to stop her evil plan. But he doesn't check his desires at the door and ends up forgetting who is, just another overplayed storyline in this saga..that seems to be endless.
Alas in the midst of all this we discover that Zatanna has a sob story just like every other villianess on this planet and hates that she can never grant any of her wishes, so with the aid of her family's spell book she begins to bring her father. But to bring a person back from that another has to die, and Clark being so strong willed about the value of human life talks her out of it and Metropolis survives another day and another weird story.
It so final in a sense and that's what exactly we find to be about Clark and Davis' relationship. They are brothers in the sense that they both came from Krypton, but it ends there because they both had different paths and experiences with their time on the planet Earth, in the town of Smallville, and as always Davis gets the short end of the stick while Clark is living a beloved farm life. This episode really takes the time to delve into the animosity between Clark and Doomsday. Along with all this backstory Tess of course finds a way to involve herself and when she discovers the horrendous acts that Davis has committed to "suppress the Beast," she takes it upon herself to end his life. When that fails she holds him prisoner, but eventually he heals from the horrible burn scars and escapes and heads to none other than his divorcee crush Chloe Sullivan.
Obviously not the most ingenious of plans because Clark finds out and gets involved--this is after they have become friends and Clark is feeling pity for his Kryptonian brother and thus has the urge to find another way to solve the problem that is Doomsday, one that doesnt involve the ending of his life. Yet Chloe being the strongwilled genius she is finds a detour around Clark's impostion to follow through with the plan. So at some abandoned lab of a former scientist she locks Davis in the cage and douses him in the green meteor rock that is poision to he and his kinsmen. Clark shows up just in time for goodbyes and is unable to stop his death.
But as always people don't really die, let me rephrase necessary people don't really die and besides Doomsday was made to adapt to anything that threathened his existence. So in the end, once again he calls upon Chloe to help him with his burden. So his new residence becomes the Talon's basement, right below his "beloved."
The next episode is why I struggle with this show, we are introduced to Stiletto, which is Lois masquerading as a hero in an attempt to get an exclusive with the Red Blue Blur. Besides being an utter waste of storytelling time, we do get the chance to catch up to Jimmy's storyline and things are definitely abysmal but if it weren't for him Lois and Clark might not have been able to get out the scrape they were in. Along with the light that is Jimmy, we also see Clark and Lois bonding more over the experience of Clark saving her life and possibly them finally ignite that flame that is their love for one another.
The next couple of episodes involve Chloe who I love, but currently I struggle with her character and her choices, specifically her situation with Davis. It confounds me how she can go from being separated from Jimmy--a serious and drastic occurrence in her life, to be the end all and be all for Davis. Putting that aside I have to say that this are pretty decent in pushing the story forward.
Clark is suspicious and doesn't think that the Cornfield Killer is really dead, so he's on a beast-hunt. And he first shows up at Chloe's door, which is also currently Davis' residence. Anyways when things escalate to the point where both Oliver and Jimmy almost lose their lives to the Beast and Clark is sent on a wild goose chase to Alaska by his Best Bud, Chloe and Davis take off out of town. Following through with the intial plan of following of the grid, Chole being driven by her desire to protect Clark and save more lives, imprisons herself to the side of Davis Bloom; Beast/Man and things aren't looking good. Becuase with a special appearnace by Alessandro Juliani (Gaeta on BSG!!) we find out that she is the cure, in a sense, to Davis' problem but there is a question of how long his obsession with her will withold the demon inside him.
The penultimate story is chilling is starts with Clark finding Chloe scarred and beaten running in the middle of nowhere, and in the end she begs Clark to kill Davis, she pleads with him that there is no other way. But we discover that behind this set up is Tess and her super metoer freaks who are pulling the strings in an attempt to get Clark to fulfill his destiny. Which essentially involves murdering Davis Bloom, the man and the beast along with him. Clark not accepting this destiny and upholding his belief in the value of humanity he refuses, but underhandly plans as if he is going to kill Davis. Involving Oliver who is glad to see that Clark is sees the need to get his hands dirty quickly and blindly goes on a mission to get the black meteor rock gets caught, not as the Green Arrow but as Oliver with all his charm in bed waiting as Tess comes into her room. Luckily, he is there when the super meteor freak team turns against Tess (with good reason) and attacks her at home with some serious pyro power and takes her hostage. When Clark finally catches back up to the culprits that took his powers and left him stranded, the Green Arrow is there with a green meteor ring, to save the day and aid in getting Clark back his powers, emotions erupt mostly from Clark and a definable rift is caused, leaving Chloe still with Davis and nowhere to be found.
Yay! You posted!
When are you going to give up this show, Good Grief? I feel like we need to give you an intervention or something. You need to leave your abusive BF, girlfriend! It's not good for your health! ;)
For some reason, even though I have better relationships with my other shows--this is just one obsession that I can't seem to get over, no matter the downfall it seems...
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